IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Intelligent Design/Evolution/Science

Common Descent or Common Design?

Must the Beginning of the Universe Have a Personal Cause?

Has Science Made Belief in God Obsolete?

How Cellular Motors Prevent Traffic Jams

Animal Magnetoreceptor Cells—Evidence of Design? Part 1

Evolution Disproves Naturalism? - Dr. Alvin Plantinga

An Evolutionary Argument against (Christian) Theism

NY Times: "Darwin Was Wrong" (About Dating)

Peer-reviewed & peer-edited scientific publications supporting the theory of Intelligent Design

What does science tell us about the way the universe will end and how does this relate to Christian views?

Dr. Emil Silvestru- "Is Intelligent Design Good Science?"

Part 2 - Dr. Emil Silvestru - "Is Intelligent Design Good Science?"

Why Is Evolution So Widely Believed?

Evolution: Science or Science Fiction??

What is the "Intelligent Design" theory?

Time Is Not on Human Evolution's Side

Evolution: "We Don't Know How Life Began."

Evolution Can't Supply It: New Genetic Information

Are We Reaching a Consensus that Evolution Is Past Its Prime?

If Evolution is True, Why Can't a Cell Put Itself Together Again?

From the Cambrian Explosion: Complex Brains and Other "Headaches" for Darwinian Evolutionists

The Ultimate Question of Origins: God and the Beginning of the Universe

Ravi Zacharias Answers Stephen Hawking - Part 1

Ravi Zacharias Answers Stephen Hawking - Part 2

Ravi Zacharias Answers Stephen Hawking - Part 3

Life Is Designed to Fight Darwinism

How did the Darwinist argument about "junk DNA" originate? Who coined the term, and why?

DNA: A Masterpiece of Engineering

Reflections on "Uncaused Beginnings"

Hitler, Evolution and the Historical Context

The Intolerant Science Guy: Bill Nye

Another Atheist Philosopher, Thomas Nagel, Rejects Darwin!

Origin of first life

Do you Understand Evolution?

Is Intelligent Design a Circular Argument?

Does the Higgs Boson prove that religion is wrong?

What Are the Top Ten Problems with Darwinian Evolution?

The "Ancestor of All Dinosaurs" Might Have Had Dinofuzz (Updated)

What Would Disprove Evolution?

Origins of the Universe - Has Stephen Hawking Eliminated God?

Au. sediba: Another Human "Ancestor" Bites the Dust Bark

What is the Relation between Science and Religion
Fossil Horses

The Real Barrier to Unguided Human Evolution

Can Random Mutations Create New Complex Features?

Can the Universe Exist Without God?

Four winged fruit flies

What Makes Us Human, and Why It Is Not the Brain: A Creationist Defense of the Soul

Evolutionists Self-Destructing: Now They Are Saying Evolution Created a Fine-Tuned Electro Magnetic Communications System Which We Can’t Even Detect

The Useless Appendix and Other Darwinian Myths

What Do You Mean By “Evolution”?

On Animal Planet, Aquatic Apes, a/k/a Mermaids

If Humans Tweak Cell Machines, Is It Intelligent Design?

Yale, Princeton, and M.I.T. scientists disagree with Darwin - along with 750 other PHD'S!

DNA Being Used To Write Computer Code?

Top 3 Flaws of Evolution: Fossils, Mutations, Common Descent.

Darwinian materialism - more ridiculous than we thought!

Peppered Moths

Brilliant Neurosurgeon vs. Intellectual Discrimination!!

Top French scientist despises Darwin

What if David Coppedge was a Peppered Moth

One complex enzyme defeats Darwinism!

Does Lots of Sediment in the Ocean Solve the "Mystery" of the Cambrian Explosion?

Has science eliminated God?

Similarity Happens! The Problem of Homoplasy

Science & Scriptures: Friends or Foes?

Nanoscale "Design" in Nature -- Rightly Designated by Discover Magazine

Archaeopteryx: The Missing Link" Part 1

Archaeopteryx: The Missing Link" Part 2

Darwin Critic Wins the Templeton Prize; Congratulations to Dalai Lama

Haeckel's Embryos

Icons of Evolution, Haeckel's Embryos, Pt 2

What happens when you doubt Darwinism?

Homology in Vertebrate Limbs

Icons of Evolution, Darwin's Tree of Life, Why this is NOT scientific

Darwin's Tree of Life, Molecular Phylogeny

Darwin's Tree of Life, Darwin and the fossil record

Are You Ready for "Evolution Sunday" on Feb.12?

Darwin's Tree of Life

The Miller-Urey Experiment Pt. 2

The Miller-Urey Experiment

Why most of what we know and teach about evolution is wrong

IBM'S effort to build a brain

Fables and facts about Creation/Evolution

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