IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Series - "Icons of Evolution, why most of what we know and teach about evolution is wrong"

Science and lies cannot coexist. You don’t have a scientific lie, and you cannot lie scientifically. Science is basically the search of truth. Scientists are right to wince when their statements are called myths, because their goal as scientists is to minimize subjective storytelling and maximize objective truth.

Any theory that claims to be scientific must somehow, at some time, be compared with experiments and observations. It is the nature of science to test and retest explanations against the natural world. Theories that survive repeated testing may be regarded as true statements about the world. But if there is persistent conflict between theory and evidence, the theory can NOT be scientific.

According to the 1998 National Academy of Science booklet "all scientific knowledge is, in principle, subjective to change as new evidence becomes available. “It doesn’t matter how long the theory has been held, or how many scientists currently believe it, if contradictory evidence turns up, the theory MUST be reevaluated or even abandoned. Otherwise it is not science, but myth.

When you speak to someone about evolution and you ask them why they believe in it, they probably just quote some random bunch of statements that they think is based on facts, maybe read in some magazine, heard on a television show or even taught in schools and universities. If you ask them to name some of these "facts" they will probably name one of the "icons" of evolution.

During this series we will be looking at the 10 main "icons" claiming to be facts. We will be looking at how they are not factual, not scientific and is more of a myth.

As follows is the list:

  1. The Miller-Urey Experiment- a lab flask containing a simulation of the earth's primitive atmosphere, in which electrical sparks produce the chemical building blocks of living cells
  2. Darwin's Tree of Life- reconstructed from a large and growing body of fossil and molecular evidence
  3. Homology in Vertebrate Limbs- similar bone structure in bat's wing, a porpoise's flipper, a horses leg, and a human hand indicating their evolutionary origin in a common ancestor
  4. Haeckel's Embryos- pictures of similarities in early embryos showing that amphibians, reptiles birds and humans all came from a fish like creature
  5. Archaeopteryx: The Missing Link- a fossil bird with teeth in its jaws and claws on its wings, missing link between ancient reptiles and modern birds
  6. Peppered Moths- showing how camouflage and predatory birds produce the most famous example of evolution by natural selection
  7. Darwin's Finches- thirteen separate species that diverged from one when natural selection produced differences in their beaks
  8. Four-Winged Fruit Flies- extra pair of wings, showing that genetic mutations can provide the raw materials for evolution
  9. Fossil Horses and Direct Evolution- a branching-tree pattern of horse fossils that refutes the old fashioned idea that evolution was directed
  10. From Ape to Human: The Ultimate Icon- drawing ape-like creatures evolving into humans, showing that we are just animals and that our existence is merely a by-product of purposeless natural causes.

What is Evolution?
Biological evolution is the theory that all living things are modified descendants of a common ancestor that lived in the distant past. No rational person denies the reality of change, and we did not need Charles Darwin to convince us of it. If "evolution" meant only this, it would be extremely uncontroversial. Nobody believes that biological evolution is simply change over time. Only slightly less evasive is the statement that descent with modification occurs. Of course it does, because all organisms within a single species are related through decent with modification. We can see this in our own families, plant and animal breeders see it in their work. But this still missis the point. No one doubts the descent with modification, but the real question is does modification accounts for the origin of new species-in fact of every species. The only way anyone can determine whether this claim is true is by comparing it with observations or experiments. Like all other scientific theories, Darwinian evolution must be continually compared with the evidence. If it does not fir the evidence, it must be reevaluated, abandoned or called a myth.
Research the evidence, find the facts, have Intelligent Faith

Friday, December 23, 2011

Series - "Closer to Truth" Did God Create From Nothing? (3 of 3) (William Lane Craig)

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer to Truth") asks William Lane Craig how God created from nothing. Questions explored: What is the difference between a concrete and abstract object? What are examples of abstract objects? What is something that is logically and necessarily related? Do abstract objects have caual effects? What is platonism? Who is Plato? How is platonism inherently incompatible with Christianity? What is absolute creationism, fictionalism, and conceptualism?

- Nelis

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Series - OneMinuteApologist - "The Genetic Fallacy (William Lane Craig)"

Can you invalidate someone's belief by showing how someone came to hold it? Hear special guest Dr. William Lane Craig explain the genetic fallacy.

- Nelis

Monday, December 19, 2011

Series - "Closer to Truth" Did God Create From Nothing? (2 of 3) (William Lane Craig)

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer to Truth") asks William Lane Craig how God created from nothing. Questions explored: What is the meaning behind Genesis 1:1? How does verse 2 relate to verse 1 in Genesis chapter 1? Can they be construed with one another? Why or why not? How is Genesis 1 different than Near Eastern narratives? Is Genesis 1:1 unique among Middle Eastern creation stories and myths?

- Nelis

Monday, December 12, 2011

Series - "Closer to Truth" What is a Properly Basic Belief? (Alvin Plantinga)

PBS' Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn interviews Dr. Alvin Plantinga (often named as the most important living philosopher of religion today) about properly basic beliefs. Must everything have evidence and argument in order to rationally believe in it?

- Nelis

Friday, December 9, 2011

Series - "Closer to Truth" Did God Create From Nothing? (1 of 3) (William Lane Craig)

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer to Truth") asks William Lane Craig how God created from nothing. Questions explored: What is meant by God creating from nothing? What did Aristotle mean by efficient causes and material causes? What is metaphysical dualism? What is the initial singularity? Has Christianity always held to the idea of creation out of nothing? What are the two basic views theologians hold to about creation out of nothing? What are the steady state models, oscillating models, vacuum fluctuation models, chaotic inflationary models, quantum gravity models, ekpyrotic models, and cyclic models of the universe? Have these theories been falsified? Is the prevailing thought from contemporary scientists is that the universe is not eternal in the past? What is brain cosmology and string theory? What is the Vilenkin Borde Guth Model?

- Nelis

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Series - OneMinuteApologist - "Pluralism vs. Particularism? (William Lane Craig)"

What is the difference between Religious Pluralism and Religious Particularism? Watch to hear what Dr. William Lane Craig has to say and grab a copy of Dr. Craig's new book "On Guard" to learn more about this and other arguments on how to defend your faith with reason and precision.


Series - "Common objections to Christianity Pt 6"

What about those who have never heard the Gospel?

That is a good question. The Bible says that God is a just God. We know that whatever He does is right. When it comes to those who have never heard the Gospel, He will do what is right, whatever that is. But as for you, you have heard the Gospel and He will judge you according to how you respond. He is calling you to repentance, to turn from sin and come to Him.
Romans 2:11-16 speaks about those who have never heard the Law of God, and how they will be judged according to the law that is written in their hearts. The Law written in their hearts is the knowledge of right and wrong. Perhaps God's judgment of those without a proper knowledge of Him is included there where it says that they will be judged according to their own consciences that "bear witness, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them." All I know is that God will do what is right, and the only way to have your sins forgiven is through Jesus.

What makes you think the Bible is the word of God?

Prophecy: The Old Testament was written before Jesus was ever born. The New Testament was written by the men who knew Jesus, who walked with Him, ate with Him, and learned from Him. In the O.T. there are prophecies concerning His birthplace (Micah 5:1-2), that He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), that He would be rejected by His own people (Isaiah 53:3), that He would be betrayed by a close friend (Psalm 41:9), that He would die by having His hands and feet pierced (Psalm 22:16-18), and that He would rise from the dead (Psalm 16:10, 49:15). In the N.T. all these prophecies, and many more, are fulfilled by Jesus. Now, this is the question you must answer: "If the Bible is not inspired from God, then why does it have so many fulfilled prophecies?" How is that possible if the Bible were not from God?
Wisdom: The Bible is full of the greatest truths about man and God, sin, and salvation. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) is beautiful in its wisdom, humility, and love. The Psalms are incredible poetry of great depth and beauty. The N.T. epistles are great descriptions of love, forgiveness, longsuffering, kindness, etc. (Even if you don't want to become a Christian, studying the truth God has revealed in the Bible will greatly help you in your life.) The aim is not to merely get the person to use the Bible as a guide to good living, but to encourage him to read it. This way, he will at least be reading the Word of God, and be that much closer to conversion, because God's Word will accomplish what He wants it to (Isaiah 55:11).

Religion is whatever you feel is right

How do you know what you feel is right? Haven't your feelings ever turned out to be wrong? Are you are saying that what you feel determines truth? If so, then you are putting yourself in the place of God, and looking to yourself for what you "feel" is right.
If religion is whatever you feel is right, then that could lead to chaos. What if some people had a religion where they felt stealing was acceptable? And what about lying and cheating? Would you trust someone who believed in a religion that felt it was all right to steal, lie, and cheat?
Hitler felt killing Jews was right. He was wrong. The Bible says that the heart is deceitful and untrustworthy (Jer. 17:9). If you could come to know truth by what you felt, then the Bible, which is the revelation of God, didn't need to be written. But it has been written, and it has revealed that only God is the Source of truth, not your feelings.
I've never known truth to contradict itself. What if someone felt that something was right, and another person felt it was wrong? Would they both be right? If your statement is true, then how could there be a contradiction like that, if feelings determined truth?

All religions are different paths to the same place

If all religions are different paths to the same place, then why do the paths contradict each other? Does truth contradict itself? Let's review the teachings of just three religions:
Buddhism is pantheistic and says there is no personal God and everyone can reach "godlikeness" on his own. Islam says that Jesus was just a prophet, and not the only way to God. Christianity says that there is a personal God, and that the only way to Him is through Jesus (John 14:6). If these three religions are, as you say, different paths to the same place, then why do they contradict each other? Does truth contradict itself?

If you have any questions, please contact me or Pastor J at intelligentfaith315@gmail.com or jason@claycup.com.
- Nelis

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Series - "Closer to Truth" Some Arguments Atheists Make Against God's Existence (Alvin Plantinga)

PBS' Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn interviews Dr. Alvin Plantinga about typical arguments made by atheists against the existence of God.

- Nelis

Friday, December 2, 2011

Series - "Closer to Truth" Can God's Existence be Demonstrated? (William Lane Craig)

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer to Truth") asks philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig about whether God's existence can be demonstrated or not. Questions explored: Can you demonstrate God's existence mathematically? Does an argument have to convince everybody in order for it to be valid? What are some of the best arguments for God's existence? What is the Cosmological Argument? What is Leibniz's argument for God's existence? Does the contingency argument depend on a universe having a beginning? What is the Teleological Argument? What is meant by Fine-Tuning and Intelligent Design? Can the universe be "designed" by chance? What is the moral argument for God? Is the moral argument just an assumption? What is the difference between an assumption and intuition? Do all cultures really have different morals? What is meant by "objective morality"? How does Jesus' resurrection demonstrate God's existence? What are some of the evidences of Jesus' death that the majority of historical scholars agree with? What is the ontological argument? What is meant by necessary existence? What is meant by possible worlds? Are religious experiences philosophically valid? Does everything must have evidence (and arguments) prior to acceptance? Can you disprove with arguments and evidences that you are nothing more than a brain in a vat? Can you disprove with arguments and evidences that you were just made five minutes ago with built-in memories that gave you the illusion of being made longer than that? What is meant by a properly basic belief? How are they not arbitrary? What is a "defeater"? Is there an absolute psychological profile for religious people? Is God just a Freudian projection? What is something that is self-authenticating?

- Nelis

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