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IF315's Book Recommendations

Monday, January 23, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Earliest Manuscript of the Book of Romans Discovered?

John Byron shared the news that some are reporting the discovery of the earliest extant manuscript of Romans, claimed to be from the middle of the second century. To be more precise, it is a fragment of Romans 9-10, and it was allegedly discovered just this week. CNN has footage of it, but the camera is not close enough for me to discern the text well.


As is always the case with discoveries such as these, I want to wait for more experts to examine it before heralding it as the new “earliest” manuscript not only of Romans but of any Pauline letter. If I recall correctly, P46, which contains all or part of several Pauline epistles, is currently regarded as the oldest manuscript (ca. 200 C.E.) of any of Paul’s letters.

This could be a very interesting and impacting discovery in the area of Biblical Archaeology.  Let's wait and see what comes of it.  Also, if you need a great resource for archaeological finds related to the Old and New Testaments, check out http://www.biblearchaeology.org .

God bless you all!  Remember..... have Intelligent Faith!

- Pastor J.

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