IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Evil, Suffering, and GOD?!?

Is GOD's existence incompatible with Evil and Suffering?

This is a very interesting and colorful description of Christian Philosopher Dr. Alvin Plantinga's response to the Problem of Evil and Suffering, which is called the Free Will Defense.

Please note that it was Dr. Plantinga that showed demonstratively once and for all that it is not logically inconsistent for an All-Good, All-Knowing and All-Powerful GOD to exist at the same time as evil and suffering.  Now the best argument that atheists can raise is called the "Probablistic Problem of Evil", which states that is it "unlikely that GOD could exist in a reality such as our which is full of suffering".  Even this version of the question is fraught with problems for the atheist and is full of presumptions.

More to follow on this shortly....God bless you all!

- Pastor J.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Resurrection of Jesus

William Lane Craig

Examines the historical grounds for belief in Jesus’ resurrection, focusing on the empty tomb, his post-mortem appearances, and the origin of the disciples’ belief in his resurrection.
I spoke recently at a major Canadian university on the existence of God. After my talk, one slightly irate co-ed wrote on her comment card, “I was with you until you got to the stuff about Jesus. God is not the Christian God!”
This attitude is all too typical today. Most people are happy to agree that God exists; but in our pluralistic society it has become politically incorrect to claim that God has revealed Himself decisively in Jesus. What justification can Christians offer, in contrast to Hindus, Jews, and Muslims, for thinking that the Christian God is real?

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Birth of God

William Lane Craig
Does it make sense to say that Christmas marks the birth of God? This question evokes the primary theological debates of the fourth and fifth centuries – how Jesus Christ can be considered both human and divine. Below, Dr. Craig offers his understanding of how Jesus’ divine and human natures join together in a single person, how His human frailties and experiences were deep and meaningful, and how one can cogently hold to celebrating “the birth of God” at Christmastime.
Tonight I’ve been asked to speak on “The Birth of God.”  The title is jarring because it seems unintelligible.  How can God, the uncreated Creator of all things, have a birth?  How can a being which is self-existent and eternal, the Creator of time and space, be born?  It doesn’t seem to make any sense. 
And yet at Christmas this is, in a way, precisely what Christians celebrate.  The Christian doctrine of the incarnation states that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.  Jesus was thus truly God as well as truly man.  He was born of the virgin Mary; that is to say, Jesus had a supernatural conception but a perfectly natural birth.  Since Jesus was God in the flesh, his mother Mary is therefore called in the early Christian creeds “the Mother of God,” or the “God-bearer.”  This isn’t because God somehow came into existence as a result of Mary’s conceiving or that Mary somehow procreated God.  Rather Mary could be called the God-bearer because the person she bore in her womb and gave birth to was divine.  Thus, Jesus’ birth in this sense was the birth of God.

Warrant for the Moral Argument’s Second Premise, Question of the week by Dr. Craig

Lots of discussions have been going on in the past few weeks on the RF.org forums regarding the Moral Argument's premise #2 - specifically, on what basis can we affirm the existence of objective moral values and duties?
As I understand your argument for affirming this premise you say that, through your own moral experiences, you have a properly basic belief that objective morality exists. While some psychopath may claim to think its OK to torture a baby for fun, that does nothing to defeat the warrant you have based on your own moral experiences that it is wrong (always has been wrong and always will be wrong) to torture a baby for fun.
The detracters to premise #2 say this answer is an emotional response not an intellectual one and that an appeal to one's own sense of morality is no more objective than the person who thinks differently than you (and hence is subjective).
In your talk "What Happens When We Die" ( http://www.reasonablefaith.org/transcript/what-happens-when-we-die ) you say of those who had near-death-experiences, "One person's experience is just as real as the next person's, so how do you judge whose experience of heaven is really authentic?" By the same token, if my moral experiences tell me that something is wrong, but someone else senses otherwise - both experiences are just as real but are in conflict so we have the same conundrum in trying to decide which is really authentic.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you mean by "moral experiences" and sliding into applied ethics as a result. So my first question is:
1) Does "moral experience" mean what I sense is right or wrong in a given situation or does "moral experience" simply mean that "given any moral situation, there will be a right thing to do and a wrong thing to do, even though I may not know what they are". In other words, simply by virtue of thinking SOMETHING is wrong confirms premise #2 regardless of the difference of opinion on what that wrong thing to do actually is?
I can't help but think I am still missing something and it surrounds this concept of moral ontology vs. applied ethics. It seems when discussing the objectivity of morality, it often diverts to discussions around applied ethics (e.g. "some people think it is wrong to lie, even to save a life; others don't - therefore, morality is subjective"). You often claim premise #2 does not appeal to any situational or applied ethics but rather appeals to your own properly basic belief. But then my second question becomes:
2) What exactly IS this properly basic belief in that allows you to affirm premise #2? The examples given almost always involve a situation ("it is wrong to torture a baby for fun", "it is wrong to kidnap Africans and use them as slaves", "the Spanish Inquisition was wrong to torture people"). These examples appear to slide into appealing to applied ethics. Obviously, people at one time (even today perhaps) thought those were not wrong - but again, the appeal for warrant in believing premise #2 is that "those people that thought otherwise do nothing to undermine my own properly basic belief that they were wrong." But I go back to your quote on the near-death-experiences - every person's experiences are just as real as the next - whose "properly basic belief" is right and whose is false? What is this properly basic belief in, if not the truth of certain applied ethics ("it is wrong to murder a baby to stop it from crying").
I just can't put my finger on this concept of moral ontology and how it is separated from applied ethics; perhaps you can help clarify this in a different way than you have in the past.
United States
Click HERE to read Dr. Craig's answer

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Who Is The Real Jesus: The Jesus Of The Bible Or The Jesus Of The Qur’An?

William Lane Craig
A comparison of how Jesus is described in the New Testament and in the Qur’an in order to determine which is more reliable.
Jesus of Nazareth is the most influential person who ever lived. Twenty centuries after his death, he continues to exert his power of fascination over the minds of thinking men and women. Peter Jennings’ television special “In Search of Jesus” attracted some 16 million viewers across the country. Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” grossed 370 million dollars. Dan Brown’s book The DaVinci Code has been a runaway best seller, exceeding the 100 million mark in some 40 languages. People obviously continue to be fascinated by Jesus.
But who is Jesus really? Is he, as the Bible says, the divine Son of God? Or was he merely a human prophet, as Muslims have been taught to believe? Who is the real Jesus?
I propose to answer that question as a historian. I shall look at the New Testament and the Qur’an as the historian looks at any other sources for ancient history. I shall not treat them as inspired or holy books. Accordingly, I shall not require them to be inerrant or infallible in order to be valuable historical sources. By taking this historical approach, we prevent the discussion from degenerating into arguments over Bible difficulties or Qur’anic inconsistencies. The question is not whether the sources are inerrant but whether they allow us to discover who the historical Jesus really was.
Now in order to determine who the historical Jesus really was, we need to have some objective criteria for assessing our sources. Prof. John Meier, an eminent New Testament historian, lists the following four criteria: 1
1. Multiple, independent sources. Events which are reported by independent, and especially early, sources are likely to be historical.
2. Dissimilarity. If a saying or event is different from prior Judaism and also from later Christianity, then it probably doesn’t derive from either one and so belongs to the historical Jesus.
3. Embarrassment. Sayings or events that would have been embarrassing or difficult for the Christian church are unlikely to have been invented and so are likely historical.
4. Rejection and execution. Jesus’ crucifixion is so indisputably established as an anchor point in history that words and deeds of Jesus must be assessed in terms of their likelihood of leading to his execution as “King of the Jews.” A bland Jesus who just preached monotheism would never have provoked such opposition.
When we apply such criteria to the New Testament, we’re able to establish a good deal about the historical Jesus. Let me discuss just three of the facts that emerge about this remarkable man.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Does Evil Disprove God?

How can an all loving God allow evil in the world?
Does evil prove God?
William Lane Craig debates Eric Dayton at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. A poignant debate on whether the apparently pointless evil and suffering in the world make atheism the rationally superior worldview.

Watch the debate HERE

Can God Change?

Is God an eternal being?

Does God change over time?

PBS' Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn interviews Dr. Alvin Plantinga (often named as the most important living philosopher of religion today) about whether God can change or not.

Check out more video's of Dr. Plantinga at closertotruth.com

Have an Intelligent Faith!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

How Can Christ Be the Only Way to God?

William Lane Craig
A rigorous attempt to answer the problem of the fate of the unevangelized and the challenge of religious pluralism.
I recently spoke at a major Canadian university on the existence of God. After my talk, one slightly irate co-ed wrote on her comment card, “I was with you until you got to the stuff about Jesus. God is not the Christian God!”
This attitude is pervasive in Western culture today. Most people are happy to agree that God exists; but in our pluralistic society it has become politically incorrect to claim that God has revealed Himself decisively in Jesus.
And yet this is exactly what the New Testament clearly teaches. Take the letters of the apostle Paul, for example. He invites his Gentile converts to recall their pre-Christian days: "Remember that at that time you were separated from Christ, aliens to the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world" (Eph 2.12). It is the burden of the opening chapters of his letter to the Romans to show that this desolate condition is the general situation of mankind. Paul explains that God’s power and deity are made known through the created order around us, so that men are without excuse (1.20), and that God has written His moral law upon all men's hearts, so that they are morally responsible before Him (2.15). Although God offers eternal life to all who will respond in an appropriate way to God's general revelation in nature and conscience (2.7), the sad fact is that rather than worship and serve their Creator, people ignore God and flout His moral law (1.21-32). The conclusion: All men are under the power of sin (3.9-12). Worse, Paul goes on to explain that no one can redeem himself by means of righteous living (3.19-20). Fortunately, however, God has provided a means of escape: Jesus Christ has died for the sins of mankind, thereby satisfying the demands of God's justice and enabling reconciliation with God (3.21-6). By means of his atoning death salvation is made available as a gift to be received by faith.
The logic of the New Testament is clear: The universality of sin and uniqueness of Christ's atoning death entail that there is no salvation apart from Christ. As the apostles proclaimed, “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4.12).
This particularistic doctrine was just as scandalous in the polytheistic world of the Roman Empire as in contemporary Western culture. Early Christians were therefore often subjected to severe persecution, torture, and death because of their refusal to embrace a pluralistic approach to religions. In time, however, as Christianity grew to supplant the religions of Greece and Rome and became the official religion of the Roman Empire, the scandal receded. Indeed, for medieval thinkers like Augustine and Aquinas, one of the marks of the true Church was its catholicity, that is, its universality. To them it seemed incredible that the great edifice of the Christian Church, filling all of civilization, should be founded on a falsehood.
The demise of this doctrine came with the so-called “Expansion of Europe,” which refers to the three centuries of exploration and discovery from about 1450 until 1750. Through the travels and voyages of men like Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand Magellan, new civilizations and whole new worlds were discovered which knew nothing of the Christian faith. The realization that much of the world lay outside the bounds of Christianity had a two-fold impact upon people's religious thinking. First, it tended to relativize religious beliefs. It was seen that far from being the universal religion of mankind, Christianity was largely confined to Western Europe, a corner of the globe. No particular religion, it seemed, could make a claim to universal validity; each society seemed to have its own religion suited to its peculiar needs. Second, it made Christianity's claim to be the only way of salvation seem narrow and cruel. Enlightenment rationalists like Voltaire taunted the Christians of his day with the prospect of millions of Chinamen doomed to hell for not having believed in Christ, when they had not so much as even heard of Christ. In our own day, the influx into Western nations of immigrants from former colonies and the advances in telecommunications which have served to shrink the world to a global village have heightened our awareness of the religious diversity of mankind. As a result religious pluralism has today become once again the conventional wisdom.
The Problem Posed by Religious Diversity

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Part 2 - Dr. Emil Silvestru - "Is Intelligent Design Good Science?"

Dr. Emil Silvestru explains why Intelligent Design is good and legitimate science.  To dismiss it is to be intellectually and scientifically hypocritical, and is mostly due to a prior philosophical commitment to atheism and/or naturalism.

This is good information to be aware of, especially in light of the fact that 'scientism' is a philosophy that is spreading with increasing rapidity in the university.  If you'd like to learn more about this topic, go to my podcast classes on Itunes called "Reason To Believe"  clicking HERE, and listen to the teaching "Has Science Eliminated the Need for GOD?" and download the PDF notes as well for further study and to send to your friends.

Keep studying, learning, and growing in an Intelligent Faith!

- Pastor J. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dr. Emil Silvestru- "Is Intelligent Design Good Science?"

Dr. Emil Silvestru explains why Intelligent Design is good and legitimate science.  To dismiss it is to be intellectually and scientifically hypocritical, and is mostly due to a prior philosophical commitment to atheism and/or naturalism.

This is good information to be aware of, especially in light of the fact that 'scientism' is a philosophy that is spreading with increasing rapidity in the university.  If you'd like to learn more about this topic, go to my podcast classes on Itunes called "Reason To Believe"  clicking HERE, and listen to the teaching "Has Science Eliminated the Need for GOD?" and download the PDF notes as well for further study and to send to your friends.

Keep studying, learning, and growing in an Intelligent Faith!

- Pastor J. 

Why Is Evolution So Widely Believed, Question of the week by Dr. Craig

Dear Dr. Craig,
I love your work and your tireless efforts to spread the message of Christ in a intelligent, articulate manner! You have personally brought me to faith in Christ and delivered me, through your various articles and debates, from an atheistic-induced existential depression ( I really contemplated suicide for I thought: Since there is no afterlife... might as well go into oblivion sooner..... ); and for that I cannot thank you enough!
I have 3 questions.
1) Regarding the theory of evolution, why is it so widely accepted in mainstream science? While I am steadfast in the fact that evolution cannot disprove the existence of God; I cannot seem to find any evidence clearly showing the general process of simple organisms evolving into more complex ones. Furthermore, there seems to be a consensus among geologists that the Earth is roughly 6 billion years old, whereas I hear Young Earth Creationists stating that the Earth is only 6 thousand years old. Who is right?
2) If evolution is true, then why didn't God write Genesis differently? Just a simple " and little organisms changed over time " would certainly clear up all the conflict between Creationists and Evolutionists and prevent people from thinking that the Bible is against science or something. In line with this thinking, why didn't God put the Big Bang Cosmology theory in Genesis? " In the beginning, the universe was a hot dense state. Then, it expanded! "
3) What is going to happen to the Reasonable faith ministry should you retire or be called to be with Christ? Is it going to continue under another scholar(s)? Or will it ceased to exist? ( the horror! =D)
Please give me links or additional information regarding these topics
Once again, I really thank you for your work and pray that God blesses and keeps you, and everything you hold dear, well.
Warm Regards,
United States

Click HERE to read Dr. Craig's answer

Monday, November 12, 2012

***FREE*** Pastor J's Apologetics Training Podcast

For all of our "Intelligent Faith 315" viewers, we have recently published a new podcast on Itunes entitled "REASON TO BELIEVE - A Rational Defense of the Christian Worldview".

This is an Apologetics Training Class that the IF315 team is currently teaching, which covers the following topics and more:

  • What is Apologetics and Why Do It?
  • What is a "Worldview" and Why Does It Matter?
  • Does Absolute Truth Exist, and Can I Know It?
  • Are There Good Arguments For God's Existence?
  • Has Science Eliminated God?

We encourage you to subscribe to it for FREE on Itunes by clicking HERE, and you can also download all the class notes for your own personal study.

We hope that "Reason To Believe" can help train you to be able to have an "Intelligent Faith" and give people good answers when you are asked!

- Pastor J. 

Evolution: Science or Science Fiction??

What are the odds that must be overcome for Macro-evolution to take place?

In this short but colorful video, Ben Stein analyzes the mathematical odds even a low example biological life, with 250 proteins, arising by purely chance/accidental processes.

Since evolutionists have, at current estimates, under 13.7 billion years for these processes to take place, it is hard to believe that rational intelligent scientists place their trust in such in improbable occurrence.  It seems that it is done because of a prior intellectual commitment to naturalism and atheism, by trust/faith.

It is also very interesting that for this very reason of dramatically improbable odds, the number of Phd scientists around the world that object to Darwinian evolution on purely scientific grounds has been growing every year.

To see/download a document of over 800 international Phd scientists that disagree with the claims and abilities of Darwinian Evolution to produce the complex biological life we see on the earth today, go to www.dissentfromdarwin.org

Have an Intelligent Faith!

- Pastor J.

Friday, November 9, 2012

What is the "Intelligent Design" theory?

 Is it good science, or just "religion dressed up in a lab coat"?  

This is short video giving a clear and succinct description of scientific theory of Intelligent Design.  It uses a form of logical reasoning, called "the inference to the best explanation" that we use almost every day of our lives.

This clip is taken from Ben Stein's "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", an expose of the academic censorship, persecution, and dishonesty that exists within the ranks of american academia.

Intelligent design is rejected as a starting assumption by most naturalistic and atheistic scientists, though it is itself a rigorous and thoroughly researched scientific hypothesis.  The fact that it may lead to metaphysical implications, should not be taken as an excuse to dismiss it out of hand.

Besides all this, this documentary demonstrates some of the anti-scientific, mythical, and presumptive assumptions of Neo-Darwinists and Evolutionists.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Time Is Not on Human Evolution's Side

Do you ever feel short on time? Wish you could accomplish more, that there were 48 hours in a day, and meanwhile the clock's hands keep spinning around? Me too.
Just be glad you're not Darwinian Evolution!
In this short video Biologic Institute biologist Ann Gauger, coauthor of Science and Human Origins(Discovery Institute Press), answers the question: "Is there enough time for humans to have evolved from apes?" And can they pick up the dry-cleaning too while they're at it?

Find original article HERE

Dawkins Gets Eastwooded

Dawkins Gets Eastwooded

Dr Craig talks about his recent "Eastwooding" of Richard Dawkins, the Presidential Debates, and a viral video with a surprise ending!

Click HERE to listen


A starting point for taking on the responsibility of the work of Christian apologetics is recognizing the role that living out a disciplined Christian life plays. Even a brief examination of the Scriptures reveals this striking imperative: one may not divorce the content of apologetics from the character of the apologist. Apologetics derives from the Greek wordapologia, “to give an answer.” 1 Peter 3:15 gives us the defining statement: “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer (apologia) to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

I have always found this to be such a fascinating verse because the apostle Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, knew the hazards and the risks of being an answer-bearer to the sincere questions that people would pose of the gospel. Indeed, when one contrasts the answers of Jesus to any of his detractors, it is not hard to see that their resistance is not of the mind but rather of the heart. Furthermore, I have little doubt that the single greatest obstacle to the impact of the gospel has not been its inability to provide answers, but the failure on our part to live it out. The Irish evangelist Gypsy Smith once said, “There are five Gospels: Matthew Mark, Luke, John, and the Christian, and some people will never read the first four.” In other words, apologetics is often first seen before it is heard.

For that very reason the Scriptures give us a clear picture of the apologetic Christian: one who has first set apart Christ in his or her heart as Lord, and then responds with answers to the questioner with gentleness and respect.  Therefore, one must not overlook the stark reality that the way one’s life is lived out will determine the impact.  There are few obstacles to faith as serious as expounding the unlived life. Too many simply see the quality of one’s life and firmly believe that it is all theory, bearing no supernatural component.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Absurdity of Life without God

William Lane Craig
Why on atheism life has no ultimate meaning, value, or purpose, and why this view is unlivable.
The Necessity of God and Immortality
Man, writes Loren Eiseley, is the Cosmic Orphan. He is the only creature in the universe who asks, "Why?" Other animals have instincts to guide them, but man has leamed to ask questions. "Who am I?" man asks. "Why am I here? Where am I going?" Since the Enlightenment, when he threw off the shackles of religion, man has tried to answer these questions without reference to God. But the answers that came back were not exhilarating, but dark and terrible. "You are the accidental by-product of nature, a result of matter plus time plus chance. There is no reason for your existence. All you face is death."
Modern man thought that when he had gotten rid of God, he had freed himself from all that repressed and stifled him. Instead, he discovered that in killing God, he had also killed himself. For if there is no God, then man's life becomes absurd.
If God does not exist, then both man and the universe are inevitably doomed to death. Man, like all biological organisms, must die. With no hope of immortality, man's life leads only to the grave. His life is but a spark in the infinite blackness, a spark that appears, flickers, and dies forever. Therefore, everyone must come face to face with what theologian Paul Tillich has called "the threat of non-being." For though I know now that I exist, that I am alive, I also know that someday I will no longer exist, that I will no longer be, that I will die. This thought is staggering and threatening: to think that the person I call "myself" will cease to exist, that I will be no more!
I remember vividly the first time my father told me that someday I would die. Somehow as a child the thought had just never occurred to me. When he told me, I was filled with fear and unbearable sadness. And though he tried repeatedly to reassure me that this was a long way off, that did not seem to matter. Whether sooner or later, the undeniable fact was that I would die and be no more, and the thought overwhelmed me. Eventually, like all of us, I grew to simply accept the fact. We all learn to live with the inevitable. But the child's insight remains true. As the French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre observed, several hours or several years make no difference once you have lost eternity.
Whether it comes sooner or later, the prospect of death and the threat of non-being is a terrible horror. But I met a student once who did not feel this threat. He said he had been raised on the farm and was used to seeing the animals being born and dying. Death was for him simply natural—a part of life, so to speak. I was puzzled by how different our two perspectives on death were and found it difficult to understand why he did not feel the threat of non-being. Years later, I think I found my answer in reading Sartre. Sartre observed that death is not threatening so long as we view it as the death of the other, from a third-person standpoint, so to speak. It is only when we internalize it and look at it from the first-person perspective—"my death: I am going to die"—that the threat of non-being becomes real. As Sartre points out, many people never assume this first-person perspective in the midst of life; one can even look at one's own death from the third-person standpoint, as if it were the death of another or even of an animal, as did my friend. But the true existential significance of my death can only be appreciated from the first-person perspective, as I realize that I am going to die and forever cease to exist. My life is just a momentary transition out of oblivion into oblivion.
And the universe, too, faces death. Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding, and everything in it is growing farther and farther apart. As it does so, it grows colder and colder, and its energy is used up. Eventually all the stars will burn out and all matter will collapse into dead stars and black holes. There will be no light at all; there will be no heat; there will be no life; only the corpses of dead stars and galaxies, ever expanding into the endless darkness and the cold recesses of space—a universe in ruins. So not only is the life of each individual person doomed; the entire human race is doomed. There is no escape. There is no hope.
The Absurdity of Life without God and Immortality

A Question of Justice, Question of the week by Dr. Craig

Hello Dr. Craig,
My question is about divine justice. You describe God as being essentially kind, fair, and compassionate, but I do not see how his justice can be exemplified with scenarios like this:
Suppose a serial killer like Jeffrey Dahmer enjoys a lifestyle torturing, killing and cannibalizing people for fun. He eventually gets caught and goes to prison. In prison he becomes a born-again Christian and all this sins are absolved from him. He then gets killed and goes to heaven since the mere act of conversion into Christianity cleanses him of all previous wrong doings. Some of this victims however were not Christian when they were murdered and so they go to hell when they die. So not only are the murder victims tortured and murdered in this world, they get sent to hell to be tortured even worse, but now it is forever, while their murderer enjoys everlasting peace in heaven.
I have never had a Christian explain to me how this scenario above, is not only the work of a "perfect" and "all-loving" deity, but that this is an example of perfect justice that could not possibly be improved upon by any generation of humans, past, present of future. In other words, if the God of the Bible is inherently perfect, compassionate and just, why would he allow a serial killer into heaven but his victims suffer in hell eternally, when the only thing separating them (aside from the fact the victims never tortured and killed people) is the killer's conversion to Christianity in prison just before he died?
The objection I have is that this is not an act of perfect justice, and that the Christian God is merely being defined as perfect/kind/fair/compassionate etc which to me is just wordplay since his record shows otherwise. The only answer I have yet to hear, is that we all are deserving hell, and only those who submit to God are given mercy, even if they are serial killers. So I have to ask you, with all due respect, if you truly agree with this notion of justice, that would allow a sadistic serial killer off scott-free of divine punishment, when his victims, who pleaded for their lives and were killed without mercy, are now being tortured even worse, all while their cries for mercy will go unanswered for all eternity?
Thank you for your time.
United States

Click HERE to read Dr. Craig's answer

Microscopic Bio-Spacecraft: The Human Cell

What is one of the most breathtaking examples of complex design and intelligent engineering in the universe?  

The Human Cell.  In the times since Darwin, we have come to understand like never before the amazing specification and purposeful design that exists within of each one of the trillions of cells in the human body.  The Cell is one of the most powerful and persuasive evidences of an Intelligent Designer in the realm of biology.  

This is a short clip taken from Ben Stein's "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", an expose of the academic censorship, persecution, and dishonesty that exists within the ranks of american academia.

Intelligent design is rejected as a starting assumption by most naturalistic and atheistic scientists, though it is itself a rigorous and thoroughly researched scientific hypothesis.  The fact that it may lead to metaphysical implications, should not be taken as an excuse to dismiss it out of hand.

Besides all this, this documentary demonstrates some of the anti-scientific, mythical, and presumptive assumptions of Neo-Darwinists and Evolutionists.

- Pastor J. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

What Are the Moral Implications of Darwinism?

What kind of morality should logically follow from Darwinism?

According to Neo-Darwinism, is there any reason to have an objective system of Morality?

A Clip taken from Ben Stein's expose of the academic censorship, persecution, and dishonesty that exists within the ranks of american academia.

Intelligent design is rejected as a starting assumption by most naturalistic and atheistic scientists, though it is itself a rigorous and thoroughly researched scientific hypothesis.  The fact that it may lead to metaphysical implications, should not be taken as an excuse to dismiss it out of hand.

Besides all this, this documentary demonstrates some of the anti-scientific, mythical, and presumptive assumptions of Neo-Darwinists and Evolutionists.

- Pastor J. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Evolution: "We Don't Know How Life Began."

How do modern day Evolutionists explain the origin of the first Cell?

What mechanism supposedly brought Life out of non-living chemicals?

In this next clip from Ben Stein's "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", we see that the evolutionary explanation is far from satisfactory.  Essentially, it is admitted by Darwinists that the mechanism is unknown, but it "must be there somewhere" since they prejudicially rule out the possibility of God's existence.

The fact of the matter is that much of what passes for "science' is very unscientific, in that it is not based upon repeatable experimentation and observations, but rather upon a prior philosophical commitment that won't ever change, regardless of the huge amount of evidences that oppose it.  

Also, there are many tests that a healthy and strong Worldview should undergo in order to be intellectually and explanatorily strong.  Some of these would include answers to the questions of meaning, morality, and destiny of the universe.  In addition to having very pathetic answers to these, the evolutionary hypothesis also fails to give any satisfactory answer to the age old question of origins.  

If Darwinists have no compelling mechanism or evidence for the beginning of their science-fiction hypothesis, it is amazing that there are still so many today that blindly follow it by faith.

It feels good to be a Christian, because I sure don't have enough faith to be an Darwinian Atheist.

- Pastor J.  

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