IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Evil, Suffering, and GOD?!?

Is GOD's existence incompatible with Evil and Suffering?

This is a very interesting and colorful description of Christian Philosopher Dr. Alvin Plantinga's response to the Problem of Evil and Suffering, which is called the Free Will Defense.

Please note that it was Dr. Plantinga that showed demonstratively once and for all that it is not logically inconsistent for an All-Good, All-Knowing and All-Powerful GOD to exist at the same time as evil and suffering.  Now the best argument that atheists can raise is called the "Probablistic Problem of Evil", which states that is it "unlikely that GOD could exist in a reality such as our which is full of suffering".  Even this version of the question is fraught with problems for the atheist and is full of presumptions.

More to follow on this shortly....God bless you all!

- Pastor J.

1 comment:

  1. This comment is unrelated to this video, and posted only as a point of information.

    The "What is Apologetics," subtitled: "William Lane Craig at 2012 On Guard Conference" video is, in my opinion, the best, short overview of the subject I've heard. It can be found (some 45 minutes) on the Reasonable Faith Website under the Media link.

    No knock on IF315, of course, but Pastor J's website - which I love - is more comprehensive in the aspects of "fine detail" than what you will heard from the video mentioned. Check it out, because I think it is the best "A,B,C, now say this, now say that" short video I've heard.

    An early "Merry Christmas" to all.


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