IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"No Evidence For God" - Debunked!

1 comment:

  1. Of course, this is good stuff. However, at one point - early, I think, - the narrator says something to the effect (I haven't listened for a few days), "That I might not be the smartest guy around," and then goes on. This is the number one pet peeve I have against all pastors and apologists who use this line. It is a disaster and should never be said.

    Listen, in debate class 101 and/or speech class 101, one is taught never to inject a negative in any speech, lecture, sermon, and so on, that is designed to convince the crowd of your point. Yet I often hear it. If you want your audience to doubt what you are saying, then inject this calamity. You will lose 30 percent of your audience immediately - especially, especially young people. Those who are not sophisticated enough to absorb it as a joke, or funny, or whatever the speaker intents it to convey. It is a boneheaded mistake that should be avoided at all costs.

    Now, you might be inclined to think I'm overstating this, but I'm not. If there are any negatives offered then it's like shooting yourself in the foot. It's perfectly fine to add some humor on occasion, but NOT NEGATIVE humor. Please, Pastor J, if you happen to read this, take the advice seriously. Please.


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