IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Atheist MD Becomes A Christian - Dr. Mark Eastman

Dr. Mark Eastman, a medical physician details his intellectual journey of how he turned away from Atheistic Materialism after being exposed to incredible evidence of design in the Universe at large, and in particular in living systems.

As you listen, you will note that some of the evidences that convinced him that his Evolutionary indoctrination into the field of medicine was incorrect are the following:

1. Universal Fine-Tuning
2. Molecular Chirality of Proteins and DNA Nucleotides
3. Specified Complexity of the DNA Molecule Hardware 
4. Digital Information/Language/Code within the DNA molecule

If you are an atheist, take some time and listen to the intellectual journey of this MD, and the powerful scientific evidence that convinced him that living systems, being genuine machines, are the product of a Designer and Engineer - God.

- Pastor J.

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