IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Article #11 - "How can I use the information in these IF315 articles effectively?"

Well, here are some simple suggestions on how to maximize the use of the articles, videos, and links available at IF315:
  • Forward the articles to a group of people in your digital address book.  This is called E-vangelism.  Enter your email address where it says "Follow by email", and everytime a new post is added, it will be sent to your email automatically.  You can then take this and forward it to your list of E-vangelistic contacts.
  • Also, you can choose the "invite" option and send out an invitation to as many contacts as you want.
  • You can print out articles that you find impacting and give/send them to friends at work, school, etc...
  • Copy the "Question for Christians" and send it to your friends and see what they say.  This could be a great conversation starter that can lead to discussing the evidence for the Lord and our faith.
  • Finally, just by word of mouth, share the fact that IF315 is a great place to learn great evidence for the Christian faith, post questions and comments, and is a good tool for helping you reach a lost and confused world.
God bless you as you seek to use these tools to their maximum potential!!

- Pastor J.

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