IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Article #14 - "How can I start up a good conversation about spiritual truth?" - pt.1

This is one of the most common questions that Christians tend to have about sharing their faith.  It seems to be difficult to think up ways to generate a conversation that can lead into the truths/evidence of the Christian faith.  It's actually very simple and can be done using some very specific questions.  Here are some examples that you might want to try:

"Where are you on your spiritual journey?" 
This is a very general and non-threatening question that most people will find unoffensive.  It moves the topic of discussion into the realm of the spiritual, and then you can introduce general Christian truth claims.

"Where do you think everything came from?" 
A normal query for today's scientific mind.  This question moves the conversation to the topic of Origins, which is one of four questions that must be answered by any good worldview/philosophy.  Usually the answer will be one regarding Evolution or the Big Bang.  Here you can begin to introduce the evidence for an Intelligent Designer and use the Design Argument for God's existence. 

"What do you think happens to us when we die?" 
A very general and inoffensive inquiry.  This question moves right into the realm of the "afterlife" and will reveal to you very quickly if the person believes in a soul/spirit in addition to their physical body.  It also brings up the topic of accountability to a Creator, and so ties into moral duties and obligations that we have to Him.

"Why do you believe in _______?  What is the evidence for that belief?"  This approach is a bit more confrontational but well worth it.  It jumps right into the justification that the person your talking to has for believing what they hold to be true.  It goes right to the "jugular" question for apologetics, and inquires as to the specific evidences a person posesses that justifies their worldvies and philosophy.  Commonly, the average person has a "smorgasboard" combination of ideas that they've gleaned from TV, movies, school, and their own desires for moral independance that shape their personal belief system.  Once it is shown that these reasons aren't compatible and implode upon another, one can begin to help them construct a robust philosophy of life based upon evidenc and reason, namely Biblical Christianity.

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