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Friday, November 25, 2011

URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: NASA discriminates against intelligent design

Stand Up Now for David Coppedge’s Right to Speak about Intelligent Design!

Urgent Action Required: Contact the leaders of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and demand they make things right.

The FactsAccording to a discrimination lawsuit filed in California Superior Court, supervisors at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) illegally harassed, demoted and retaliated against computer systems administrator David Coppedge without warning after he occasionally loaned pro-intelligent design science videos to some of his colleagues. Coppedge’s actions were deemed inappropriate even though his colleagues were apparently allowed free rein to attack intelligent design in the workplace.
After Coppedge filed his discrimination lawsuit, his position was suspiciously terminated by JPL in January 2011. On Nov. 18, 2011, a judge ruled that Coppedge’s case presented legitimate issues of fact and law and ordered that the case move forward to a jury trial. Rather than settle the case, the Jet Propulsion Lab has continued to wage legal war on David Coppedge—wasting precious taxpayer dollars in the process.

Take Action NowYour phone calls and emails are urgently needed to get NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab to stop its discrimination against employees who think there is scientific evidence of intelligent design. Contact these JPL leaders right now and ask them to settle the Coppedge lawsuit and stop discriminating against employees who believe the universe was intelligently designed:

Dr. Charles Elachi, Director of JPL Office phone: 818 354-5673
Email address:charles.elachi@jpl.nasa.gov
Dr. Jean-Lou Chameau, President of Cal Tech [Cal Tech operates JPL under a contract with NASA]
Office phone: 626-395-6301
Email address: chameau@caltech.edu

Be respectful in your message, but indicate that as a taxpayer who ultimately pays for the budget of JPL, you think it’s wrong to use taxpayer resources to promote discrimination against intelligent design.

- Nelis

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