IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Warm welcome to our international visitors

I just want to take a few moments to welcome our international visitors again. According to the statistics that get sent to me as the site administrator, we have viewers in Canada, France, Philippines, Czech Republic, Colombia, Russia, United Kingdom, Spain, China, Australia, Germany and my birth country South Africa among others. Today we got a lot of visitors from the Holy Land, Israel.
 I just wanted to send all of you international guests a warm welcome and let you know that it's a pleasure to be connected with you.

If there's any specific issues that you would like to see addressed on INTELLIGENT FAITH 315 or questions that you personally have regarding God, Jesus, or the evidence for the Christian Faith, please email me, Nelis or Pastor J and we will be more then happy to answer you. Our email addresses are: intelligentfaith315@gmail.com or jason@claycup.com

Know what you believe and why you believe it!!! God bless you all

- Nelis

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