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IF315's Book Recommendations

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are You Ready for "Evolution Sunday" on Feb.12?

This Sunday, Feb 12th,  is Charles Darwnin's B-day 

and Darwinist's High Holy Day,"Evolution Sunday".

Are you ready to discuss the issues intelligently?

Can you coherently believe in God and Darwin? 
What is "theistic" evolution, and is it consistent with traditional theism? 
What challenges does Darwin's theory pose for thoughtful Protestants, Catholics, and Jews? 
Is it "anti-science" to question Darwinian theory?

Every year about this time the Darwin lobby gets religion and crows about so-called "Evolution Sunday" when pastors are supposed to urge their flocks to get Darwinized. Our approach has always been to talk about the science. When religion comes up in the evolution debate it is almost always an atheist or a theistic evolutionist who raises the subject. And then we have to respond.
So here is our response, for this year's Evolution Sunday which falls on February 12, Charles Darwin's birthday. Below, you'll find some great resources to turn to when the "Clergy Letter Project" is paraded across the Huffington Post and "BioLogos" websites in honor of the darwinist's holy day.
GE_FINAL_Smalljpg.jpgThe first and best resource is God and Evolution: Protestants, Catholics and Jews Explore Darwin's Challenge to Faith, edited by Jay Richards.
I encourage you to watch this video, follow the link above, and send these resources to your friends, family, and co-workers so you can prepare them for the darwinist propaganda they might encounter this Sunday, Feb.12th.
Have an Intelligent Faith!
- Pastor J. 


  1. I watched the video of the guy (after listening to Meyer) who gives (somewhat smugly) the code/analogy examples of how humans describe - but nature doesn't really describe (in human lingo) how DNA really functions. But I think he misses the point entirely. It never seems to dawn on him to ask, "Yeah, but where did we get the intellect needed to apply the purely human anologies or human codes, in place of how he seems to think nature acts arbitrarily, and we only sit above it and apply these human analogies and/or codes? What? So, I ask again, where do we get the intellectual ability to apply such codes or analogies? We have to get this abiltiy from somewhere. Oh, I get it, purely time, matter and energy and chance. Right! Give me a break. This seems like a huge mistake on his part to not reconize this question and give it its proper due, which is God in my humble or not-so-humble opinion. I hope I didn't confuse anyone. Goodness, these people will go to any length to deny God.

  2. I finally got a chance to watch all the video clips, and was surprised to find out that many think that Dr. Collins viewpoint about junk DNA (in his 2006 book) is starting to meltdown. In other words, Collins' former stance that junk DNA somehow supported Neo-Darwinism. What strikes me as perhaps more odd is that when one views lenghty video clips of some of Collins' lectures, he/she will come away with the view of how forceful Dr. Collins is about his belief in God. He is very persuasive and adamant about stating his belief in God and Christianity, that if one wasn't aware of the videos on "God and Evolution" (as presented here)they would not suspect that he has any belief in Neo-Darwinism. This was my personal determination, anyway. I'm also struck by the sheer disagreement between scientists concerning all aspects of Neo-Darwinism and religion. There is such a vast number of studied disagreements as to take one's breath away. Thus, it seems to me to pose a huge problem for any apologist who has to deal with these conflicting viewpoints. Finally: I like Dr. Meyer, especially; he speaks with such authority as to be a slam-dunk debator concerning information rich systems contained in DNA and also how Neo-Darwinism is starting to crumble. I hope someday that it will no longer be considered as relevant. Forgive any typos, Pastor J, as usual, I'm fitting this in as time allows. God bless. Oh, funny video of your boy. You're raising him right! Happy Sunday.


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