IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Saturday, February 4, 2012

NEW SERIES: "Good Arguments for God's Existence" - Intro pt.1

"Is it possible to 'prove' God's Existence
in a rational and logical fashion?"

"Are there things in the universe and our human experience
that are best explained by the existence of a Personal Creator?"

These questions and many others will be answered in this new series, concerning classical arguments for God's existence. These arguments use simple but powerful reasoning to demonstrate that it's more plausible to believe that a personal Creator God exists, than not.

This is an introduction to the topic of "Natural Theology", which is the subject area that these arguments are a part of. After the intro, we will begin covering some powerful and classic lines of reasoning to show God exists, such as: the Cosmological Argument; the Design Argument; the Moral Argument; the Conceptual Argument; and many more....

I sincerely hope you'll tune in for the entire series, take notes, and begin to lovingly and intelligently share with those around you the great reasons we have for believing that the God of Scripture exists.

Until next time.... have an Intelligent Faith!!

- Pastor J.

1 comment:

  1. My first thought is to agree and say, "Of course." And, I like Paul's witness in Romans 1:19 and 20. But then I think that with some people any rational argumentation - from Scripture or nature - is simply not going to convince them. Even Alvin, in a later video, says - and this is a paraphrase - "Why should we have an argument?" I was fascinated to hear him say that, because, of course, it goes directly against the grain of what Peter advises in 1 Peter 3:15. Then I smiled and thought that he must think like I do: Atheists are boring and perhaps we should just give up on them. Along those lines, Paul, further down, in Romans 1:24-26 indicates that God also "Gave them up." In fact, he says it twice. In other words, God appears to think like Dr. Plantinga and myself: Nothing is going to convince some folks that God is real. So, how does one come to terms with what Paul says in Romans 1:19,20 and what he says in Romans 1;24,25? After all, Dr. Plantinga seems to agree. And, to make it worse, Paul in 1 Cor. 2:14 seems to reinforce the fact that some will never come to know God or Christ. And, even worse, Revelation also states that even when men see and witness the judgements of God, they will not believe! So, Pastor Dennett, when does one know or discern that it's time to throw in the towel, based on these verses? Never? Again, God seems to throw in the towel.


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