IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Friday, April 27, 2012


Has 'modern science' truly eliminated 
the need for God, 
as Richard Dawkins claims?

Have recent scientific discoveries 
pointed towards Atheism or Theism?

I'd like you to listen to a recent presentation that I gave on this very important topic entitled "Has Science Eliminated the Need for GOD?"  In this teaching, I covered 5 reasons that show very clearly that instead of eliminating the need for a Creator, science strongly supports theistic belief.

5 Reasons Science Hasn't Eliminated The Need For GOD: 
1. Founding Fathers of science were mostly Christian/theistic  
2. "Scientism" is an idea that is self-defeating  
3. 95% of science doesn't intersect the Christian faith  
4. 5% of science does intersect Christianity and strongly supports belief in God  
5. Science is only one of many ways that we discover the truth about reality.

If you would like to download the teaching slides/PDF for your own study, or to share with your friends, you can get them here.  Feel free to share the links and the teaching slides/PDF with as many people as you would like to.  In a day and age when science is held up as the supreme form of knowledge, we must be able to answer this objection to the Christian worldview!

I hope you enjoy it and find it useful to share and defend your faith!

- Pastor J. 

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