IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Series: Question of the week by Dr. William Lane Craig, Keeping Moral Epistemology and Moral Ontology Distinct

Moral epistemology is the study of whether and how we know right from wrong
Ontology is the study of “being,” i.e. what it means for something to “be” or “exist.”
Dr. Craig,
I have been debating several atheists regarding the existence of objective moral values being grounded in God. I have been doing quite well avoiding the red herring of moral epistemology and have managed to keep the debate to moral ontology. Now I am stuck and need your help.
Quoting you in a debate with Dr. Harris you said, "Theism provides a sound foundation for objective moral duties. On a theistic view, objective moral duties are constituted by God's commands. God's moral nature is expressed in relation to us in the form of divine commandments. These constitute our moral obligations."
By saying this, is not one already providing an argument for Revealed Theology and thus making an argument for moral epistemology? That is, unless divine commandments don't come through Revealed Theology.
Please help, I don't know how to wiggle out of this one. It seems I am trapped into having to discuss moral epistemology now.
United States
As I explain in Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview, it is vitally important in discussing moral arguments for God’s existence to distinguish clearly various areas of Moral Theory:1

Dr. Craig responds:

Please click HERE to see Dr. Craig's response.

For  more questions of the week check out Dr. Craig's website reasonablefaith.org and if you have any questions you can email me or pastor J at intelligentfaith315@gmail.com or jason@claycup.com.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions, there is if you don't ask!!!

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