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Friday, May 11, 2012

Brilliant Neurosurgeon vs. Intellectual Discrimination!!

If you've ever wanted to do something that makes a real difference in the fight for academic freedom, here is your opportunity.

Who is Dr Ben Carson?......... Just a brilliant, innovative pediatric neurosurgeon at a sky-scraping top medical school, in addition to being a generous philanthropist with an inspirational up-from-dirt-poverty personal story, plus a Presidential Medal of Freedom winner, and a best-selling writer whose memoir was turned into a TV movie starring Cuba Gooding Jr.
But in the hands of academic bullies, if you once shared your critical thoughts on evolutionary science and its moral implications — well, everything else about you suddenly dwindles to very little.

Emory invited Dr. Ben Carson, renowened pediatric neurosurgon and Darwin skeptic, to deliver the university's Commencement address and receive an honorary degree this coming Monday. But when Darwin advocates on campus got wind of it, they kicked up a protest, gathering nearly 500 signatures from professors and students, and published a letter in the student newspaper distorting Carson's views on evolution and making him sound like a fool.

We are calling on Emory University to promptly reaffirm Dr. Carson's right, and that of any scientist or any thoughtful person at all, to hold a dissenting view on Darwinian theory without having to face rude and distorting attacks. Please add your name and help get out the word!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this on another page. It is ridiculous not to let Dr. Carson speak at commencement because some people disagree with his views on Darwin. If he was giving a lecture on the origins of the universe those opposed to his views would have a valid reason to ask for a rebuttal speaker. But this is a commencement speech; his views on Darwin should not keep him from speaking. Yes, I signed the petition.


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