IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Giveaway coming your way!

The Lee Strobel Film Collection

Hey guys. Intelligent Faith is going to reach a huge milestone within a few fours. We are going to have our 10,000th hit on the site. What started out as an "experiment", has turned out into a blog with over 200 posts and counting, reaching countries around the world from China, Russia, Australia, most of Europe, North and South America,  Africa, Asia and many many more.

It started in the mind of Pastor Jason Dennett. He wanted a place where you can find all kinds of apologetics resources that can be used to defend the Christian faith and to equip believers to give an answer for the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15). He founded the site in July of 2011 and asked me (Nelis) to come on board in October of 2011. We currently have a YouTube channel (intelligentfaith315), Facebook page (facebook.com/if315) and you can also follow us on Twitter (@if315).

To celebrate this occasion, as mentioned above, we will be having a giveaway. All you need to do is make a short 2 minute video explaining how has apologetic changed your life and how has intelligentfaith315 influenced you. After we choose the winner, your video will be shown on the blog and our YouTube channel (if desired). You will receive the Lee Strobel DVD collection including: Case for Christ, Case for Faith and Case for Creator and some intelligentfaith315 stickers to share with you friends. Please email us the link or the video to intelligentfaith315@gmail.com or jason@claycup.com.

Thank you all for being a part of the IF315 community. Help us get the truth about our Lord Jesus out there, to spread the good news, to challenge people in the way they think and always remember.......

Have an Intelligent Faith!!


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