IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Question for Christmas: "Who is Jesus Christ, really?" - Pastor J.

Can you answer this question accurately and effectively?

(pt.1 of 4)  This is perhaps the most important question, apologetically and evidentially, regarding Jesus Christ in all of the Scriptures.  If the Bible is true, then how a person answers this simple question will determine where an individual will spend their eternal destiny.  Especially at this crucial time of celebrating the Christmas season, are you personally able to answer the skeptic's or seeker's question of "Who is Jesus Christ, really"?

If not, my aim in this 15 min. video is to begin to teach you the 4 central truths concerning the identity of Jesus Christ, as taught in the New Testament.  If you take the time and learn these 4 central truths concerning Christ, it will enable you to not only stay free from error and false teaching about Jesus, but it will also allow you to be much more effective in explaining Christ and His Person to those who will ask you for help and answers this Christmas season.

Here is how to T.H.IN.K. rightly concerning Christ:
  1. T rinity - Jesus is the second Divine Person of the Triune GOD.  He is eternally, God the Son.
  2. H ypostatic Union - Jesus took upon himself a second nature, a human nature, when conceived.
  3. IN carnation - Jesus, the eternal Son, took upon Himself a fully human body and existence.
  4. K enosis - Jesus willingly chose to limit his use of, or access to, His divine attributes while on the earth, though He never lost them or ceased to be God the Son. 

Join me for these 4 short video teachings from a sermon I recently taught.  I hope it will be a blessing to you, and help equip you to be a more effective ambassador for Christ, during this Christmas season!

Be blessed, be bold,  and have an Intelligent Faith this Christmas season!

- Pastor J. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the sermon, Pastor J., and I learned much. I will apply it as the opportunity presents itself.

    When talking about the times Jesus reveals Himself as God, please don't forget Mark 14:62. A favorite trick of the Muslim - when only John is used - is to say, "Oh, right, John only added his comments to make up for the lack of them in the other Gospels, and I can prove this by pointing out that it was the "last" Gospel, so he spotted the need to do so." I've heard of many Christians getting tripped up by this, so please include it, if you will, next time.

    Now, if you will forgive me, I want to point out a mistake you are making when presenting your witness - and I am NOT saying this to put you down, but only because I have some debate (high school) experience, and have learned the rules. So please take these comments in the spirit offered. I can see you 10 years from now on a major university stage debating an atheist, and I don't want you to make this mistake.

    Never say, "Maybe I'm wrong," as you did at 10:28 of part one. The main rule in debating (of course, I realize it was a sermon) is never, never, inject a negative or say something like "Maybe I'm wrong." Your opponent will - I promise you - do that for you, and as often as he/she can. You only make this error one other time, at 16:34 of part four, when you say, "Maybe because I do it the wrong way." And I offer this advice to any of my brothers and sisters in Christ who may, at some point, witness or debate. Again, the advice is offered in love and not to put anyone down or lift myself up. As mentioned, it is a major rule to stick to in the art of debating. Enough said.

    Finally, and I think you might enjoy this, because it is close to your story about the atheist and the sparrow.

    An atheist is sitting at home one evening, very relaxed and cozy in his easy chair, sipping his coffee and reading his favorite atheist book. The phone suddenly rings and when he answers it the voice asks, "Is Jesus there?" "No!" he replies, "Jesus doesn't live here!" He settles down again, and suddenly the phone rings a second time. The voice asks again, "Is Jesus there?" "NO!" he replies. "I told you Jesus doesn't live here!" He settles down once more, only to have the phone suddenly ring again. The voice asks once again, "Is Jesus there?" "NO! NO!" he replies, exasperated to no end. "In fact, lady," he barks, "Not only doesn't Jesus live here, He doesn't exist!" Thinking he has that settled, he gets comfortable again, only to have the phone ring a fourth time. He is beside himself, but gets up to answer again, ready to really lay into this woman! To his shock, the voice says, "Hello, this is Jesus, did I get any calls?" Smile, laugh, grin. It is a pretty good atheist joke, I hope you agree. It's on me, use it at will. It always gets a good laugh. Peace to all.


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