IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"In the Image of God" - The Anthropological Argument for God's Existence" - part 1

Is there any way to objectively test the idea 
that humanity was created by God?  

Is there anything that we can look at that might show us 
a "signature" of God upon mankind?

This is where the "Anthropological Argument for God's existence" comes in.  In this first instalment, we will be examining the acronym I.M.A.G.E. and the 5 areas that give strong and plausible evidence that mankind was indeed fashioned by a Creator, and "made in the image of God." 

Over the course of this mini-series, we will be examining mankind's capacities/properties:

1. Intellectually - Humanity's impressive mental abilities.
2. Morally - Mankind's hunger for justice and perceptions of moral values and duties.
3. Artistically - Humanity's ability to create and appreciate beauty.
4. God-hungry - Mankind's hunger for the transcendent, including famous atheists.
5. Empirically - The evidence empirically that our bodies have been intelligently engineered.

I hope you will join us for the duration of the series!  

Feel free to check out our main site at www.intelligentfaith315.com and to send your questions and comments to intelligentfaith315@gmail.com

- Pastor J.

1 comment:

  1. Good lecture. Just a suggestion, Pastor, you might want to verbally appeal to, address, name, call out, and specifically identify those people on the fence, who are listening. You have a tendency to always mention those hardcore disbelievers among us, by labeling them as they should be labeled: naturalists, secularists, humanists, and so on. Please realize that there is a large subset of those who are trying to decide, want to lean toward Christian believe, are on the fence, undecided, and thus reachable.

    I think by not addressing them specifically, as mentioned, they might think they are being left out of the discussion. Perhaps yes, perhaps no, but, at the very least, I think you should acknowledge them directly. I'm sure you know the idea I'm driving at.

    As it is, in my opinion, you are limiting your appeal - in purely intellectual terms - to those Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians, Chapter two. Please give this point some consideration, if you will. It will only take a minor adjustment in your word selection.


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