IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Interviewing an Apologetic Master - Dr. Norman Geisler

Who was mightily used to reinvigorate Christianity's interest 
in Apologetics in the 20th century?

Who was the teacher and mentor of world class apologists William Lane Craig and Ravi Zacharias?

His name is Dr. Norman Geisler and he is a "Grandfather of Christian Apologetics" to so many of us who study and labor within this field of Christian ministry.  Currently, many apologists such as Craig and Zacharias write many a book that is dedicated to their mentor and teacher, Dr. Geisler.

Sit back and enjoy this 15 minute interview with one of the greatest minds and intellects of the Christian Worldview.  

- Pastor J. 

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