IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Christianity is uniquely VERIFIABLE.

What makes Christianity so special anyway?

Is there any reason that sets Christianity apart from other Worldviews and philosophies?

Are there good reasons why a truth seeker should begin their investigation of Worldviews/Philosophies, 
with the Christian worldview?

In this short teaching, I begin a five part series demonstrating the 5 absolutely unique features of the Christian Worldview. These 5 reasons should encourage any genuine truth-seeker to investigate Christianity before any other system of religious/spiritual belief. The aspect of uniqueness addressed in this video is that the Christian Worldview is uniquely VERIFIABLE through an examination of historical, archaeological, scientific, and prophetic evidence. (Part 1 of 5)

I will be posting the text version/notes of this short teaching soon.  I hope you get blessed by knowing that we have a uniquely VERIFIABLE worldview and philosophy of life - Chrisitianity.

- Pastor J.

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