IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

PHILOSOPHY: A Powerful Tool to Show the Universe Was Created

Is it possible to demonstrate the Universe had a beginning?

Even before modern science, 
could it be shown the Universe was created 
a finite time ago?

(Part 2)  This is the next argument in our series entitled: "Good Arguments God's Existence".  In this video we will examine the second installment of the Kalam Cosmological Argument.  Here, we will be demonstrating it's quite simple to see the universe had a beginning, by using one of the most simple but fundamental tools available to mankind:  philosophy.  

Though good, clear thinking, medieval muslim theologians like Al Ghazali, demonstrated that it is impossible for the universe to be eternal, based upon the philosophical conclusions he came to when considering counting to and crossing INFINITY.

Put on your thinking caps and absorb these 2 powerful and clear ideas, that show how it is logically impossible for the universe to be eternal, and that it must therefore have had a beginning, a finite time ago in the past.

God bless you all.  Have and Intelligent Faith!

- Pastor J. 

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