IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is the "Trinity"? How is Jesus connected to the Trinity?....

(Part 2 of 4) This is a recent message that I shared on Sunday morning that focuses on the 4 doctrinal truths about Jesus (Christology), that can't be surrendered or watered down if we are to maintain historical orthodoxy concerning Christ. These 4 central truths can be remembered by the acronym THINK:

- Trinity: Jesus is the second Person of the Triune Godhead
- Hypo-static Union: In Christ there is a union of a fully divine a fully human nature
- INcarnation: Jesus took on a normal human body and existence, just like us
- Kenosis: Christ apparently limited His access to His divine powers while on earth

I hope you are blessed and amazed by the incredible love that the Son of God has displayed for us in coming to the earth as He did. Feel free to email me your thoughts at jason@claycup.com. Tune in for the next 2 installments.

- Pastor J.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that you spoke of these issues; I just read Pastor John MacArthur's book (2005) "The Truth War," and he details much of what you said early in your sermon. If you don't know of him, you can find him easily on the Web. I would suggest the book and him, because in my opinion he's the very best of American pastors, both in brilliance and commitment. I would rank him above Charles Stanley, who I adore. I see that, once again, Dr. Craig is addressing another question concerning evil, but - and to my great, exceeding frustration - simply will not mention Genesis 3:22, as it directly relates to this issue. Nor will any other pastor or apologist I've come across, including you, Pastor J. If you recall, I wrote you concerning it, in some detail. How it can and is avoided is a breathtaking mystery to me. In turn, after writing you, him, and several others trying to get an answer - with no response - I've given up. Still, I think it's a big mistake, as I've tried to explain in all my communications, detailing my thoughts on the matter at some length. I'm rambling a bit, so I'll close by saying I enjoyed your sermon very much and thought it was well done and enlightening. By the way, on Pastor MacArthur's webpage, he has a five-part video on "Does the Truth Matter Anymore," and it's directed at pastors as well as laypeople. I also suggest it, and I think all pastors should view it. It has a great deal to offer, and is perhaps the finest presentation(I've heard)of the best and worst of what pastors do right and wrong. Just a heads up, but a strong one. Enough of me. God bless. Jesus or nothing.


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