IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Friday, September 30, 2011

"5 Reasons the Christian Worldview is Unique: #5 - It is RESPECTABLE"

(Part 5 of 5) This is the final installment of the five part series, which has highlighted five unique and special features that are peculiar to the Christian worldview and philosophy.

In this last teaching, I discuss the RESPECTABLE nature of the Christian worldview by contrasting the historical character of Jesus of Nazareth with other founders of world religions.  Christ is RESPECTABLE by comparison, based upon the fact that He has made superior claims, has superior evidence, sets a superior moral example, and has created a broader historical impact than any other religious figure in mankind's history.

For this reason, and the other four previously mentioned, a sincere seeker of truth would do well to start their spiritual quest by investigating the Christian worldview and philosophy before any other.  It is uniquely Verifiable (through evidence); Compatible (with reality); Central (having Jesus as it's foundation); Receivable (as a free gift, requiring no performance); and Respectable (it's founder is superior in every regard).

I encourage you to honestly, sincerely investigate the evidence and proof that exists for this most unique and one-of-a-kind worldview, Christianity.

- Pastor J.

"5 Reasons the Christian Worldview is Unique: #4 - It is RECEIVABLE"

(Part 4 of 5) In this short video teaching, I discuss another very unique and special feature of the Christian Worldview, when contrasted with the approx. 25 other world religions, namely that it is RECEIVABLE.

By this I mean that instead of having to perform a list of duties, execute certain commands, or being obligated to undergo rigorous rituals, the Christian faith is one in which the believer comes to an understanding of the historical facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth, mentally accepts the truth claims that He made about Himself and man's condition, and then simply RECEIVES the accomplished work of Christ on their behalf.  

Out of all the world's religions today, only in biblical Christianity must you absolutely nothing but RECEIVE this "gift" that has been achieved through the work of Jesus of Nazareth on the cross.  All religious systems and secular philosophies today are man's attempt to reach up and touch the Transcendant, the Ultimate.... God.  But only in Biblical Christianity do we find where God Himself reaches down, to touch and rescue finite man.

- Pastor J.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Most Ancient Old Testament Manuscripts [DEAD SEA SCROLLS] Now Searchable Online!!

In 1947, the greatest archaeological discovery of the 20th century was made:  the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  The reason for the significance of these ancient manuscripts, is that they were 1,000 years older than any existing manuscripts of the time.  The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls closed the gap by over 900 years, taking the date back to 125 B.C. for Old Testament manuscript research. 

Another addtional benefit that has resulted from the discovery of these ancient biblical scrolls, is the verification of the accuracy of the scribal process that transmitted the Old Testament text.  Overall, the Dead Sea Scrolls turned out to be 95% accurate to the Masoretic manuscripts already in posession.  This confirmed the accuracy and faithfullness of the text, that makes up our modern day translations of the Bible.

Also, since 99% of the Old Testament was represented in the Dead Sea Scrolls, more than 300 Messianic prophecies can be historically verified and confirmed in these ancient documents.  Even if the date of the Old Testament could only be traced back to 125 B.C. (it actually goes back millenia more), this still allows for prophecy to be used as a powerful evidence and proof of the divine origin of the Scriptures, and of the identity of the coming Jewish Messiah: Jesus of Nazareth.

The Israeli Museum of Anitiquities (in collaboration with Google) has enabled the Dead Sea Scrolls to be digitally viewed and searched for the first time in history.  Apparently, at the click of a button, they can be translated thereby enabling you to read these ancient historical documents in comtemporary language.

Enjoy this archaeological and apologetical treasure!  And remember......... have an "Intelligent Faith"!

- Pastor J.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Darwin vs. Design - "Can Natural Law Explain the Origin of the Genetic Information in DNA?"

Are the physical laws of nature sufficient to explain the origin of specified
and irreducible complexity in living systems? 

Do the laws of nature adequately demonstate how the genetic information
of the DNA molecule originated?

In this video, you will see that according to Dr. Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science and Senior Research Fellow at the Discovery Center for Science and Culture, they do not. 

Go to www.dissentfromdarwin.org for a list of over 800 Ph.D. scientists from around the world in major academic institutions who collectively state "" We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged."

- Pastor J.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

" A Response to My Atheist Friend "Danmill23" on YouTube" - Part 4

(Part 4 of 4)  This is the final installment of my response to my new atheist friend "Danmill23" from YouTube, and the comments/objections that he left for me regarding some recent videos that I posted on "Intelligent Faith 315".

I welcome this conversation with my atheist friend "Danmill23" and really look forward to a meaningful exchange of ideas on these topics and many more.  I think that this type of video "conversation" over the issues, if done in a respectful and intelligent manner, will be good for us and educational for all those who may watch our interaction.

Look forward to hearing your responses to my questions, Dan, and continuing an intelligent dialogue about these issues into the future.

- Pastor J.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

" A Response to My Atheist Friend "Danmill23" on YouTube" - Part 3

(Part 3 of 4)  This is a continuation of my response to my new atheist friend "Danmill23" from YouTube, and the comments/objections that he left for me regarding some recent videos that I posted on "Intelligent Faith 315".

I welcome this conversation with my atheist friend "Danmill23" and really look forward to a meaningful exchange of ideas on these topics and many more.  I think that this type of video "conversation" over the issues, if done in a respectful and intelligent manner, will be good for us and educational for all those who may watch our interaction.

Look forward to hearing from you, Dan. 

- Pastor J.  

"Why is Apologetics Important for Christians Today?" - FOR MARANATHA

Short video I did for a friend of mine, Pastor Les Sowiak, in order to introduce the "Maranatha" youth ministry to the topic of Christian Apologetics.

God bless you guys!

- Pastor J.

" A Response to My Atheist Friend "Danmill23" on YouTube" - Part 2

(Part 2 of 4)  This is a continuation of my response to my new atheist friend "Danmill23" from YouTube, and the comments/objections that he left for me regarding some recent videos that I posted on "Intelligent Faith 315".

I welcome this conversation with my atheist friend "Danmill23" and really look forward to a meaningful exchange of ideas on these topics and many more.  I think that this type of video "conversation" over the issues, if done in a respectful and intelligent manner, will be good for us and educational for all those who may watch our interaction.

Look forward to hearing from you, Dan. 

- Pastor J.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

" A Response to My Atheist Friend "Danmill23" on YouTube" - Part 1

(Part 1 of 4)  This is a response to my new atheist friend "Danmill23" from YouTube, and the comments/objections that he left for me regarding some recent videos that I posted on "Intelligent Faith 315".

I welcome this conversation with my atheist friend "Danmill23" and really look forward to a meaningful exchange of ideas on these topics and many more.  I think that this type of video "conversation" over the issues, if done in a respectful and intelligent manner, will be good for us and educational for all those who may watch our interaction.

Look forward to hearing from you, Dan.  I formally invite you into a dialogue of these issues.

- Pastor J.

"Jesus Christ historically fulfilled over 300 prophecies accidentally?"

One of the most convincing evidences for the inspiration and validity of the Scriptures is the verified historical fulfillment of hundreds of specific predictions.  The historical figure, Jesus of Nazareth, fulfilled over 300 precise detailed predictions.  These ranged from the place of his birth, the method of his death, and even the amount of money he would be betrayed for. 

A serious thinker must investigate these claims, and not simply dismiss them.  If true, they have tremendous implications regarding the existence of God, the validity of the Christian Scriptures, and the true identity of Jesus of Nazareth.

This video investigates the statistical probabilities of just 8 prophecies of Jesus Christ coming true by accident.  The research was done by Dr. Peter Stoner in his classic book "Science Speaks" and is available for free on the internet. 

I encourage you to put aside your presuppositions, and follow the evidence and proof wherever it leads you.  Examine the facts.  Make a reasoned decision based on investigation, not an irrational one based purely on emotion.

- Pastor J.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cosmic Star Size Comparison - Amazing! (HD)

What does it mean that GOD is "omnipotent", posessing all-power, strength, with the ability to accomplish all that is logically possible? 

Well, here is a good word picture to be able to visualize the amazing power of the Creator of the universe, and all of it's trillions of massive, exploding, nuclear suns.

The next time you are pondering the ability of GOD to aid you in your situation, look up at the stars in the night sky, and comtemplate His amazing power and strength.  He is omnipotent.

Until next time.... have an Intelligent Faith!

- Pastor J.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is There An Urgency to Declare and Defend Christianity? - "Islamic Demographic Study of Europe"

Does it really matter if we, as Christians, are lovingly aggressive in sharing our faith and explaining why the Christian worldview is the most reasonable and consistent? 

Does it matter if we help those around us understand that there is a HUGE differences between the Islamic and Christian concepts of God?

Watch this alarming video, and may it motivate all of us to more actively proclaim and defend our faith in the God of Scripture.

PS - We will be doing some videos and articles on the fundamental differences between Christianity and Islam, which arose over 500 years later.

- Pastor J.

A Question for Christians: "Why do you think the Universe had a beginning?"

"Why do you think the Universe had a beginning?" is one of the frequent questions that Christians get asked from atheists or naturalists.  It also happens to be a very important question to answer, since the beginning of the universe points powerfully to a Creator, and a beginningless/uncaused universe would go right along with the atheistic view of the cosmos.

But how can we "prove" definitively that the universe does indeed have a beginning?

I would love to see all of you take a stab at answering this question, and whoever gets the first correct answer sent to me at jason@claycup.com will be announced on "Intelligent Faith 315" in the near future.  Out of all our viewers in China, Russia, Germany, U.S., Puerto Rico, Australia, Latvia, and the United Kingdom, let's see who can be the first to give the correct response.....

Remember the command of Peter in 1 Pt 3:15?....."always be ready to give an answer...." 

God bless you, until next time!

- Pastor J.

LANDMARK: "Intelligent Faith 315" has now had over 1,000 viewers, in 10 countries worldwide!

In less than 45 days, "Intelligent Faith 315" has now been viewed 1,088 times in over 10 countries worldwide.  This may not seem like much, but for a site that is less than 2 months old, I am very pleased to see how all of you are circulating the articles and videos of "Intelligent Faith 315", to help others become more equipped to better defend and share their faith in the GOD of Scripture, and reach out with good answers to those who have good questions.

If you haven't already, I encourage you to subscibe to the email list on the right side of the page, so that every new article, video, and teaching can be sent directly to you email account.  This will enable you to do 2 important things: 1. You will be able to compile a good personal storehouse of information on the topic of apologetics, to which you can turn to at any time for research and private study; 2. By receiving the electronic articles/videos directly in your email, this makes it very easy and convenient for you to send them to your church group that needs to become better equipped to defend their faith in the Lord, or forward them on to your friends or family that may be skeptical of the truth claims of Christianity.  This is an easy, and potentially powerful way, of reaching the people in your life with the information that could one day lead them to Christ. 

By the way, this is precisely how I personally came to Christ in 1998, through the persistent love of a friend, who kept sharing the Truth with me.  So remember, if you use these Truth-tools, they can be extremely effective in impacting the lives of those around you, too!

I encourage you to engage in this type of "E-vangelism" in order to impact those around you.  Also, if you can, try to recommend "Intelligent Faith 315" to a different person/skeptic every week.  This will enable us to reach more and more people every month, with truths and information that, hopefully, will help to change their lives for eternity!

Until next time, and remember...... have an Intelligent Faith!

- Pastor J.

Friday, September 16, 2011

To the viewers in Latvia and Russia that joined us today - Welcome to Intelligent Faith 315!

I just wanted to take a moment to welcome our newest international viewers from Latvia and Russia today.  Thanks for joining us at "Intelligent Faith 315", and we are so glad to have you with us.  It's encouraging to see that the content and information posted on this site is being circulated to so many diverse countries around the globe including China, Germany, Australia, and the United Kingdom.  It is great to see the hunger for Truth that exists throughout the world, regardless of geography or cultural differences. 

For those of you who may come from countries that have a strong secular and atheistic culture, I especially look forward to engaging with you on the topic of God's existence, which is undoubtedly the most important intellectual and existential issue in life.   Feel free to post any comments or questions that you've wondered about or never gotten any answers to. 

I am sure you all have GREAT QUESTIONS, and the Christian worldview and philosophy can give you GREAT ANSWERS!

Until next time,

- Pastor J.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Video Teaching #1- Welcome to the "Intelligent Faith 315" YouTube Channel!

In this short teaching, Pastor J. welcomes all the viewers of "Intelligent Faith 315" and explains the vision for this internet ministry of apologetics.  He also emphasizes the need for Christians today to be able to present a strong and reasonable defense for their faith in Christ, through the vehicle of Christian apologetics and evidence. 

"Is God a Moral Monster?" - Dr. Paul Copan

Check out this video from Dr. Paul Copan addressing one of the most challenging and difficult questions for most Christians - "How can the God of the Old Testament be a loving God and command the wholesale slaughter of entire civilizations, including innocent women and children?". 

Dr. Copan gives one of the best and clearest responses to this question that I have heard to date.  It's about 80 minutes in total, but it is well worth the time.

Take good notes and remember his responses so that you can have an INTELLIGENT FAITH when asked this question.  God bless you all!

- Pastor J.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Article #20 - "Is God a Moral Monster?" - Interview with Dr. Paul Copan

Is God a genocidal, xenophobic, sadistic mass murderer? Many of the New Atheist movement seem to think so. Learning how to intelligently answer the charge of pointless and innocent slaughter as supposedly seen in the books of Joshua and Samuel, is very important for believers today. One of the best responses, theologically and philosophically, that I've ever heard to this challenging questions came from Dr. Paul Copan.

In a recent interview with Lee Strobel, Dr. Paul Copan (a great Christian philosopher of Religion) discussed his new book "Is God a Moral Monster?". In this interview, he addresses many of the key issues involved in this question. I highly encourage you to copy the link below into your browser, copy the whole article for yourself, and equip yourself to have a more INTELLIGENT FAITH!!


PS - You can check out some YouTube videos of Dr. Paul Copan on the right side of the the site!

God bless you, until next time.

- Pastor J.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome to Intelligent Faith 315 - Internationally!!

I just wanted to take the opportunity to welcome all of the viewers of INTELLIGENT FAITH 315 outside of the United States and PR. According to the statistics that get sent to me as the site administrator, we have viewers in Canada, Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom, and even from China! I just wanted to send all of you international guests a warm welcome and let you know that it's a pleasure to be connected with you.

If there's any specific issues that you would like to see addressed on INTELLIGENT FAITH 315 or questions that you personally have regarding God, Jesus, or the evidence for the Christian Faith, please notify me at jason@claycup.com so I can address them as soon as possible!

God bless you all, until next time.

- Pastor J.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Article #19 - "What Are the U.S. Constitutional Rights of Christian Students?"

Christian Faith in the Classroom?
It's that time of year again, when office supplies are on sale and students around the country are getting ready to go back to school. In fact, in some school districts classes are already in session. If you are a proud parent, now is the perfect time to have a discussion with your child about their faith and some of the challenges they may face in the coming months.

The role of religion in public schools continues to be a hotly debated issue. Some public school teachers avoid the mere mention of religion in their classrooms because they are afraid of offending students, becoming the target of a lawsuit, or even losing their job. Other teachers would like to talk about religion, but don't know what they are allowed to say and what would be considered "crossing the line." If you are among the many teachers, students, and parents who may have questions concerning religion in public schools, you may wish to take a moment to explore some of the resources available to you.

A publication by the First Amendment Center called Finding Common Ground: A Guide to Religious Liberty in Public Schools can be downloaded for free (just click on the link). Finding Common Ground is a guidebook that explains teachers' and students' religious rights. It gives information concerning a wide variety of subjects such as equal access, judicial court rulings, and religious holidays. Below you will also find a link to the United States Department of Education Guidelines on Religious Expression in Public Schools.

Freedom of Speech

The Supreme Court has ruled that students retain their freedom of speech and expression when at school. According to the 1969 Supreme Court decision in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District, a school may only silence students if they are actually disrupting school discipline. That is, a student's freedom of expression does not give him or her the right to interrupt class. However, during free time, students are free to:

• Read their Bibles
• Talk to peers about religion and pray with their peers
• Wear clothing with Christian symbols and messages
• Pass out religious tracts

Equal Access

If a secondary public school receives any federal funding and if it allows any other non-curriculum clubs (like the chess club or the glee club) to form, then it must allow students to form Bible clubs or other religiously oriented organizations on campus, with the same rights to the facilities as other clubs. Religious clubs are guaranteed the right to official recognition, which means the school must offer them access to the school newspaper, bulletin boards, and the public announcement system et al. Religious clubs, however, must be student-initiated and student-led. The students may invite outside speakers, but the club must be organized and led by the students themselves.

Educational Opportunities

Because religion is such an integral part of history and politics and the human experience in general, it is a relevant topic in the classroom setting. Teachers and students are free to discuss different religions and the impact religion has had on society. While teachers must maintain a neutral position with the students, students are free to offer their own personal opinions on religious matters. [Teachers are free to discuss religious issues with their own peers outside of the classroom.]

Students may write papers on religious subjects, including the Bible. The Bible has had an enormous impact on history and literature and is an important book to know, even from a secular viewpoint. Literature from Shakespeare to Faulkner is full of allusions to the Bible, which can only be fully appreciated with a working knowledge of God's Word.


Teachers also retain their First Amendment rights at school, but at the same time represent the school while in the classroom and at school events. Therefore, public school teachers are not permitted to "force their religion" on students. However, teachers do have a lot of freedom to teach about religion for educational purposes. They may teach on comparative religions, including Christianity. They may discuss the impact religion has had on history and science and literature. They may even discuss religion with students one-on-one, if the student initiates and maintains the conversation and is not compelled to agree with the teacher's position.

As school starts up again, continue to pray for those faithful teachers who are striving to teach students according to righteousness in the face of an increasingly liberal education establishment, and for those students who are willing to stand up for their faith and be a light to their peers rather than just going along with the crowd.  K
now your rights.  Stand up with courage.  Be bold for the Truth!!

"My people bend their tongues like bows to shoot out lies. They refuse to stand up for the truth. They only go from bad to worse. They do not know me," says the LORD.
-Jeremiah 9:3 NLT
Don't let this be true of you.
- Pastor J. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Article 18 - "Does It Even Make A Difference If God Exists?"

Dr.William Lane Craig

C. S. Lewis once remarked that God is not the sort of thing one can be moderately interested in. After all, if God does not exist, there's no reason to be interested in God at all. On the other hand, if God does exist, then this is of paramount interest, and our ultimate concern ought to be how to be properly related to this being upon whom we depend moment by moment for our very existence.

So people who shrug their shoulders and say, "What difference does it make if God exists?" merely show that they haven't yet thought very deeply about this problem. Even atheist philosophers like Sartre and Camus—who have thought very seriously about this problem—admit that the existence of God makes a tremendous difference for man. Let me mention just three reasons why it makes a big difference whether God exists.

1. If God does not exist, life is ultimately meaningless. If your life is doomed to end in death, then ultimately it does not matter how you live. In the end it makes no ultimate difference whether you existed or not. Sure, your life might have a relative significance in that you influenced others or affected the course of history. But ultimately mankind is doomed to perish in the heat death of the universe. Ultimately it makes no difference who you are or what you do. Your life is inconsequential.

Thus, the contributions of the scientist to the advance of human knowledge, the research of the doctor to alleviate pain and suffering, the efforts of the diplomat to secure peace in the world, the sacrifices of good people everywhere to better the lot of the human race—ultimately all these come to nothing. Thus, if atheism is true, life is ultimately meaningless.

2. If God does not exist, then we must ultimately live without hope. If there is no God, then there is ultimately no hope for deliverance from the shortcomings of our finite existence.  For example, there is no hope for deliverance from evil. Although many people ask how God could create a world involving so much evil, by far most of the suffering in the world is due to man's own inhumanity to man. The horror of two world wars during the last century effectively destroyed the 19th century's naive optimism about human progress. If God does not exist, then we are locked without hope in a world filled with gratuitous and unredeemed suffering, and there is no hope for deliverance from evil.

Or again, if there is no God, there is no hope of deliverance from aging, disease, and death. Although it may be hard for you as university students to contemplate, the sober fact is that unless you die young, someday you—you yourself—will be an old man or an old woman, fighting a losing battle with aging, struggling against the inevitable advance of deterioration, disease, perhaps senility. And finally and inevitably you will die. There is no afterlife beyond the grave. Atheism is thus a philosophy without hope.

3. On the other hand, if God does exist, then not only is there meaning and hope, but there is also the possibility of coming to know God and His love personally. Think of it! That the infinite God should love you and want to be your personal friend! This would be the highest status a human being could enjoy! Clearly, if God exists, it makes not only a tremendous difference for mankind in general, but it could make a life-changing difference for you as well. 

(This article can be read in it's entirety on www.reasonablefaith.org )

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