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IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Atheist Pastors?? - Welcome To The Clergy Project

What exactly is "The Clergy Project"?

They are a newly formed group of active and former clergy who are atheists, and were recently described as "a pathetic portrait of the desperation of many atheist and secularist groups."

"They are thrilled to parade a few trophies of unbelief, but do they really believe that these examples are serving their cause?" asked R. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

"They celebrate a former Pentecostal preacher with no education, who was already a theological liberal when called to his church, and who then educated himself by reading Sagan, Dawkins, and Hitchens. Seriously?

"The Clergy Project is a magnet for charlatans and cowards who, by their own admission, openly lie to their congregations, hide behind beliefs they do not hold, make common cause with atheists, and still retain their positions and salaries," he wrote in his blog.

The Clergy Project describes itself as "a community for active and former clergy who do not hold supernatural beliefs." It was launched in March 2011 and currently has some 300 members who network and discuss "what it's like being an unbelieving leader in a religious community."

Click HERE to read the rest of the article...


  1. "Dad, we are going to the mall with Mom, this is your chance to go on that Intelligent Faith website and shoot your mouth off." Laugh, laugh, giggle, giggle.

    "You're not going to the mall, little children. Mom's taking you to the used kids store, and trade you in!"


    Peace - at last!

    Don't these people know that all they are seeking is disillusionment, destruction, despair, defeat and death? They relish the praise of men more than God, thinking, I think, that they will never die and have to face the Lord. As someone who is a former police reporter ("Working cops," is what we call it), I've had to deal with more deaths than I can probably count. Yes, folks, it happens and you get a turn.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid. And if I didn't say it, "Stupid!"

    Proverbs 1:25 - 26, "And you neglected all my counsel, and did not want my reproof. I will also laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your dread comes."

    Stupid! And these aposate preachers will pay even a higher price.

    1. In the glaring absence of any evidence for a deity, I would say that they behave rationally and intelligently. Skimming through the site it seems to be no better at providing any evidence than all the rest in its genre. In short, circular reasoning boiling down to 'you have to have faith'. Like it or not, your religious inclination is for the most part a product of your upbringing. You happened to be born in a christian setting so you became christian. You could have been muslim, hindu or any number of now living religions. In light of this I would say that you have sensible kids that also lets you enjoy your little quirks... :-)

    2. Obviously, you got it dead right (pun intended) with your admission to "skimming." And your comment about "glaring absence" of any evidence is astonishing, but, then again, you are a skimmer. A skimmer will do what a skimmer will do. Of course, a skimmer always pulls out their best zinger, and in your skimmer's case it is the old, tired, and weak-in-the-knees "circular reasoning." You wear it like a crown. And your "religious inclination" comment is called the "genetic fallacy" and has been confirmed by the vast majority of scholars, both theists and nonbelievers, as pure bunk. But a skimmer wouldn't know that.

      I would suggest that you do a lot less skimming, and get down to some serious research. And you know nothing of my kids, yet in your skimmer's tower, you pretend to know them much better than I do. Now, I'm sure Pastor J won't appreciate my lack of tolerance for skimmers, but I'm a Christian who doesn't (on my worse days) care if you go to - well, even a skimmer knows that part.


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