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IF315's Book Recommendations

Monday, September 17, 2012

Do the Gospels Support a Muslim View of Jesus?

Hello Dr. Craig
First of all I would like to thank you for all the work you have done. You've been a great influence on me throughout my life as a philosophy student. It was your work that led me to the path of God after being an Atheist for a couple of years.
I just watched a video of a Muslim theologian claiming that the gospels in a way have denigrated Jesus Christ in several occasions. He then went on to say these parts not only belittle him but might even be a proof that it was not Jesus who was crucified.
Here are the parts he referred to:
1. And going a little farther, he threw himself on the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want.'(Matthew 26:39)
Here the theologian referred to Muslim martyrs who were more than willing to sacrifice their lives for God, but here the Christian gospels portray Jesus as someone in fear of death who's begging God for getting him out of this agony. He then pointed out how Matthew 26:38 depicts Jesus as someone who's deeply in fear of death.
2. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me(Matthew 27:46)
The objections he brought up against this one were pretty much what he said about the first passage. Why would the unique son of God give up hope in God and utter such blasphemy?! Again he thought of this as a proof of the Muslim belief that it was not Jesus who was crucified.
To be honest I've had problems with these passages too, especially the second one which shocked me the first time I heard it. I'd be more than grateful if you could help me out with these problems.
Sincerely with the Grace of God,
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  1. Two verses that can positively boost Dr. Craig's answer are Hebrews 2:14,15, "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise TOOK PART OF THE SAME; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." KJV.

    So one can easily see that the authors of Scripture were well aware of the two natures of Christ, and this example is a dramatic illustration of it, eh? There is no riddle here, except to say that the person who posed this question is yet a babe in Christ. I can relate to that.

    Beyond that, this is just the old, worn out Muslim runaround. If they can get their followers to believe that it wasn't Christ who died on the cross, or that he didn't die at all, then they don't have to deal with His resurrection. A good analogy (well, maybe) is to compare it to a good poker player's bluff hand. He gets you to lose without seeing his real cards. And that is what the Muslim tries his best to do.

    As a sidebar, Pastor J: I listened to your last two apologetic classes (September issues), and they were simply powerful. "Wow," is what I said to myself, again and again.

    On a personal note: I'm getting the feeling you don't like me too much, otherwise you would answer my direct challenge about the question of evil. But that is understandable, my children don't like me much when they say I use my "football voice" on them. They say when they hear it, it is time to run and jump under the covers!

    Nonetheless, if you don't want me to come out there and personally poke you in the ribs - and at 6'3" and 225 pounds, I'm just the guy to do it - then you will stop being such a slacker. And don't think Nelis is going to be able to help you; I'm bringing my big brother (6'5" and 250) just for insurance. Smile.

    1. Hello Russ,
      In response to your reply in s previous thread, I would love to become a member of this site, but I'm not sure in what way you're referring to. Do you mean Blogger?

      I'm sure that you and your brother would be a delight to have at the classes. The insight you provide on these topics and articles might very well foster great discussions and talks. God willing, we would all mature and gain strength as a collective group of passionate apologists.

      When would you two be able to make the journey?

    2. I almost missed your post! I'm a little confused myself, but that's not uncommon, coming from a large family and being the youngest, I was often confused by my older siblings, especially at dinner time when my plate would go missing! One of them usually ate it all before I could ask what happened to it! Of course, it stunted my growth. It's very odd to be 6'3" and referred to as, "Hey, little fella."

      What were we talking about? Oh, yeah, I remember. I see you listed as "Anonymous," which leads me to think you are not an actual member. But, then again, you mention "at the classes," which then leads me to think you are a member of Pastor J's church. No matter: My intent was to try - as I mentioned before - to jumpstart some discussion on this site. I'm a professional journalist (please ignore any typos, they are not my fault!) and, as you can easily tell, I tend to go on a bit. It's in the blood.

      Get to the point, Russ, please! Yeah, anyway you want to contribute is fine with me - just don't touch my plate!

    3. Hey Russ,
      I'm not sure of how to take your post my friend. I don't quite get the "don't-touch-my-plate" analogy. As for being a member of the site. I still don't know to what you refer to. How does one become a member of the site? Honest question.

    4. I replied to you on a new thread. Just below this one.

  2. Forgive me, it was merely a lighthearted attempt at humor. Please don't read too much into it, or let it overly concern you.

    If you look to the far right of the page, you will see a "join this site" invitation, and then right below it there is a list of current site members. Once you join your name will then become highlighted in light red, and by clicking on it (try mine as an example) it will lead you to a blog-indentification page. You can write a little about yourself and provide a few details about what you do - and so on. Of course, you are under no obligation to do so. One thing that I'm always interested in is how one came to know, and love God and Jesus. The amount of joy it has brought to my life is unspeakable.

    And, by all means, let us know what you think about some of these great articles and ideas expressed here, as you already have that one time. There is no doubt that Pastor J and Nelis will be excited to read someone besides me. And me too!

    There is also a link to "older posts" that you can click, should I lose you. God bless.


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