IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Famous Darwinist's Perspective on Religion

Is Science opposed to the Scriptures of the 
Judeo-Christian Worldview?

Are Reason and Revelation exclusive domains 
that are opposed to oneanother?

A Clip taken from Ben Stein's "EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed", which is an expose of the academic censorship, persecution, and dishonesty that exists within the ranks of american academia.

Intelligent design is rejected as a starting assumption by most naturalistic and atheistic scientists, though it is itself a rigorous and thoroughly researched scientific hypothesis.  The fact that it may lead to metaphysical implications, should not be taken as an excuse to dismiss it out of hand.

Besides all this, this documentary demonstrates some of the anti-scientific, mythical, and presumptive assumptions of Neo-Darwinists and Evolutionists.

1 comment:

  1. For a perspective from theistic evolution, one can go to the website of BioLogos Foundation, started by Frances Collins.

    Their credo: "At Biologs, we view evolutionary creation as a description of how and when God brought about the creatures on Earth."

    You can read a plethora of essays promoting their views, and in one I found an admission that they were directly challenging the specific teaching of Paul concerning Adam, in Romans, Chapter 5. To wit: "The difficultly with this understanding of Paul, however, is that it is difficult to reconcile with the scientific data."

    Really? The difficultly with their understanding is: Hey, if Paul was wrong about Adam, what else was he wrong about? It's hard to imagine such bright people missing this point, eh? You can find this quote in the essay, "Were Adam and Eve historical figures?"

    There are other inconsistencies I found in their argumentation (simply as a lay person), and that really worries me. I can list them, but then I'd get too long, and annoy you. Nonetheless, you will pick up on them merely by reading their essays.

    Having said all that, they are Christian brothers and doing the best they can. I find no fault in that, overall.


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