IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Friday, September 28, 2012

** FREE ** - Pastor J's Apologetics Class on Itunes

For all of our "Intelligent Faith 315" viewers, we have recently published a new podcast on Itunes entitled "REASON TO BELIEVE - A Rational Defense of the Christian Worldview".  

This is an Apologetics Training Class that the IF315 team is currently teaching, which covers the following topics and more:

  • What is Apologetics and Why Do It?
  • What is a "Worldview" and Why Does It Matter?
  • Does Absolute Truth Exist, and Can I Know It?
  • Are There Good Arguments For God's Existence?
  • Has Science Eliminated God?

We encourage you to subscribe to it for FREE on Itunes by clicking HERE, and you can also download all the class notes for your own personal study.

We hope that "Reason To Believe" can help train you to be able to have an "Intelligent Faith" and give people good answers when you are asked!

- Pastor J. 

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed the lectures I've listened to, Pastor J. They have been powerful, and I can't heap enough praise on you.

    As a counter perspective, the following text is an explanation of an atheist worldview, found in "The Twilight of Atheism" by Alister McGrath, hardcopy, page 83.

    "Each of these is an important element in underpinning an atheist worldview."

    "1. The belief that the natural sciences are Promethean figures (in Greek mythology, Promethean is a Titan who represented human striving, principally the quest for scientific knowledge: my add), of liberation from bondage to a superstitious and opressive past (religion), which are locked in mortal combat that can only end with the final elimination of religion from the scene.

    2. The belief that the natural sciences conclusively prove all their theories, in contrast to the religious retreat into irrationality and mystery in the face of the evidence.

    3. The pervasive notion that the Darwinian theory of evolution has made belief in God impossible, thus necessitating atheism on scientific grounds."

    I think McGrath provides a short but clear summation of the atheist worldview. In fact, much better than any atheist I've ever encountered! I would recommend this book. Its title is a very good indication of what you will find in it.


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