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IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Are there Guidelines for doing Apologetics?

Almost every discipline has a set of rules and guidelines that help a person perform better. In fact, guidelines could be produced for nearly any endeavor. Why should apologetics be any different?
Following are some things I have found that are very helpful in developing apologetic skills. I am not saying that these are definitive or exhaustive in scope. Rather, these are simply the things that I have found that have helped me. I hope they help you.
Remember, there is no method for apologetics that works in all situations. There can be no outline approach that, if followed, will always lead a person to understanding and accepting the truth. That is why apologetics is a combination of what you know and are. It is a fluid expression that must adapt to the obstacles in its course.
Apologetic skill is directly related to your experience and knowledge. You gain knowledge by experiencing a situation where you defend the truth. This is "doing" apologetics. It is through this doing that you polish what you know, discover your areas of weakness, and plan ways to improve your abilities. You need to learn as much as you can through study, practice what you learn in real situations, think of ways to apply what you know, mess up, and keep going. All of this is what apologetics is and is how you get better. So, is there one single rule that will help you develop skill in apologetics? Yes there is. Go for it! You will have success and failures.
In fact, when I teach seminars on apologetics, I can confidently state that I have probably made more mistakes in evangelism, witnessing, apologetics, etc., than any ten people combined. My wife will attest to that. But hey, that's okay. You don’t grow if you don’t go.
Nevertheless, here are some guidelines.
  1. Pray
    1. It is the Lord who opens the heart and mind, not you (Acts 16:14). Ask God for guidance (John 14:14). Ask for blessing in your understanding (James 1:5) and your speech (Col. 4:6). Ask the Lord to also open their understanding to God's word (Luke 24:45).
  2. Memorize Scripture
    1. Few things are as powerful when defending the faith as being able to cite chapter and verse of a particular verse (Psalm 119:112 Tim. 3:16).
  3. Memorize the locations of information
    1. ...whether it be in cult material, secular material, or any other source you've got. It is extremely valuable to know material in different disciplines. Of course, you cannot know everything, but you can memorize a few pertinent facts about Mormonism, or evolution, or philosophy, or the Bible, or whatever else may be needed. You will learn what you need as you witness.
  4. Listen to what is being said to you
    1. ...and respond to what is said. It is by listening that you will then know what to say. Listen for errors in logic. Listen for motives, for hurts, for intent. Listen.
  5. Don’t interrupt
    1. This is just common courtesy. You need to earn the right to speak. Just because you have an answer doesn’t mean it must be heard right away. When interruptions become the norm, learning is thrown out the window.
  6. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
    1. One of the best ways to improve is to discover your weaknesses. The best way to discover your weaknesses is when mistakes uncover them for you.
  7. Study what you discover you don’t know
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1 comment:

  1. A few additional points that I think are important enough to mention, in all humility.

    First: If other Christians ever encounter a brother or sister apologist, in any circumstance, then such people should be encouraged. They are bearing fruit, often beyond what most of us are doing to advance the Kingdom of God, including myself - although I have been active in various ways. Nonetheless, encourage, encourage, encourage! And send a good word to Pastor J and Nelis from time to time. No doubt they deserve any and all kind words that can be offered them.

    Secondly: One thing that I notice that apologists don't do is ask for a response to the evidence they are sharing. Even Dr. Craig is guilty of this. The words of God and the evidence for Christ DEMAND a response. In fact, this is something vital that we all can learn from the secular world of salesman. They always ask for the order! It's tragic to me to witness an apologist overwhelming his/her audience with great information, and then not closing their presentation with a plea for a positive response. It is equal to a salesman presenting all the features and benefits of his product and then NEVER asking for the sale! I think that this fact is often overlooked by Christian apologists, and they are satisfied with just saying to themsleves, "Well, I presented what I know, now it is up to them." Yes, this is correct, but ASK them to make a decision, or respond to the presented material AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We all realize that once they exit the door, all of the cares and concerns of their daily lives will come rushing back to them, and they may soon forget everything the apologist had to offer.

    I could care less what people call it: an alter call, a commitment, a proactive decision (Yes, it sure is), a life changing moment, whatever. But please, all of you budding or active apologists out there, ASK FOR A RESPONSE.

    I want to encourage Matt, Pastor J and Nelis, and all the others like them, but make sure not to get too wrapped up in what the apologist should be doing - and then forget what the hearer should be doing. Again, ask for a response.

    Finally: Is he done? I'm very sure that anyone who reads this comment board notices that I'm often (usually) the only one who comments on these information postings. I want to take the time to ask others to do the same. Let Pastor J and Nelis know what you think about some of these issues. You don't have to be a scholar concerning the word of God. Few of us are, eh? But take the time, please, to share your thoughts. Otherwise, in the words of a famous Mafia hitman, "I know the way your children walk home from school!" Smile.


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