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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Does Evil Disprove God?

Evil Conflicts with the Existence of God

How Can Allegedly Perfect God Exist With So Much Evil, Suffering in the World?

You may have heard this before. In the following video's Dr. Alvin Plantinga (often named the most important living philosopher of religion today) speaks about this objection.

Part 1

Part 2


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had written a lengthy response to these videos and decided to delete it. It was in part emotional and angry. Let me just reduce it to this: Alvin mentions Adam and Eve, but NEVER gets to the "actual" heart of their mistake: The first disbelief and doubt in God, which led to the knowledge and actualization of evil for all mankind and forever - while we are here, at least - but rather got lost in the philosophical and theoretical jargon of his trade. And his comment that he and/or we perhaps don't know why God allows evil is shocking to me. Of course, WE KNOW! I'm going to leave it at that and go to bed.

  3. GOD'S REASONS FOR ALLOWING EVIL ARE CLEAR, ALVIN! Yes, we do know His reasons: The fall of mankind because of Adam and Eve's first disbelief!!!!! How he can say, "We don't know God's reasons for allowing evil," and how he can claim, "How can I possibly know if all men are evil, or totally evil" is clearly written in Scripture: Jeremiah 17:9!!!!! SEE, I did get mad again. Alvin, Alvin, Alvin, STOP IT!!!!!!


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