IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"If GOD, Why Evil?" - Multiple Answers

If GOD exists, how can He allow evil?

Is GOD not powerful enough, 
or not good enough to vanquish it?

Does GOD not know the future, 
and therefore blind to the evil that will occur?

Here are some good answers to consider when examining the so called "Problem of Evil and Suffering".  It's important to note that Dr. Alvin Plantinga, arguably the greatest Christian philosopher of the 20th century, demolished the idea that the co-existence of GOD and evil are logically incompatible with his now well-known "Free Will Defense".

So we must then ask ourselves, are there morally sufficient reasons that GOD could have to the pain that we encounter in the world?  Is it possible that we don't know all the answers, being finite creatures?  Is it possible that moral evil is a necessary possibility in order for moral good to exist?  Is it logical to think that an All-Good Creator could MAKE his creatures FREELY choose Him?

Watch this short video and share your thoughts with me..... and read Dr. Alvin Plantinga's "Free Will Defense". - Pastor J.


  1. Aaron presents a clear analysis of this issue. In fact, he didn't need to go beyond his first point centering on Adam and Eve. Look, one either believes how God presented this choice to Adam and Eve in Genesis, or one doesn't believe it. Adam and Eve made the choice to disbelieve God's instruction, and now (as Aaron said) we are all paying for it. So, simply put, evil is nothing more than a disbelief in God. And all moral evil comes from a disbelief in God. Everyone needs to fully understand what is written in Genesis, Chapter 2 and 3. If they don't fully understand the crystal clear points made in these chapters, they will "never" understand how to come to grips with this issue: Enter in your common, run-of-the-mill atheist, and your secular no-nothing, and care-to-understand-nothing. It is not the fault of God and Christians that uneducated folks don't tap into these chapters.

    And before anyone thinks I have lived a sheltered life; I'm a former police reporter who has covered countless homicides in my career. These range from the senseless murder of a six-year-old girl, to an elderly man killed for his pocket change, and everything in between.

    Finally: Dr William Lane Craig, via his Website, presents a lecture on what he calls the intellectual and emotional divisions of evil. It's a little heady, but informative to review.

    Oh, one last point: I don't think it is helpful to label natural disasters as "evil." Using "evil" to describe them only complicates how to understand the subject. And Pastor J, sometimes I regret that I'm the only one who shoots his mouth off in this forum, but, nonetheless, with me around, your response section on this website will never be empty. Smile. God bless you for all you do. The only thing I don't like is this tiny little box!!! It leads to typos!!!!

  2. By the way, Pastor J, did you know that evil has been defeated? I happen to know that for a fact, because I saw it at www.sugarlump.info.

    Well, in keeping with the funny cartoon you offered featuring Dr. Craig, I just thought I'd contribute my own effort - for all to enjoy. The Sugarlump site is one I created for my final exam when I received my web design degree. Of course, it was very early in my career - I hadn't actually started designing yet - and, I must say, it was the hit of the class. I wasn't out to accomplish that, but it worked out fine. Anyway, just something to lighten things up a little.


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