IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Friday, August 10, 2012

From Atheist to Christian Theist: LEE STROBEL

An honest examination of the evidence 
leads a skeptic to belief in the Christian GOD?

This is the first installation of our newest series of video teachings, called "Great Thinkers & Great Questions".  This series will be focusing on the apologetic articles found in the Apologetics Study Bible, and discussing the points brought up in each article.

In this first video of the series, we make some introductory comments as to what subject areas are addressed by the articles in the ASB.  We then also cover a short article by Ken Boa on "What is Apologetics" in which he highlights 4 functions that apologetics has.

Finally, we examine an article from LEE STROBEL, in which he traces his own intellectual journey from naturalistic ATHEISM, to being persuaded by evidence into embracing CHRISTIAN THEISM.  Lee Strobel is a very well know author today, and we encourage you to listen to his own description of how he was led by an investigation of the evidence and facts to abandon the worldview of Atheism, and committed himself to the historical Person, Jesus of Nazareth.

I encourage you to be like Lee, and in your own life and search for the Truth, follow the evidence wherever it leads you - no matter what!

- Pastor J.

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