IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


   According to the Bible, the real problem with atheists is not an intellectual problem. Rather it is a moral problem. It is not that there is not enough evidence for God’s existence. Instead, the atheist chooses not to submit to the Creator.

 The Bible declares that those who act upon the truth will come to the light of Christ (John 3:16-21). On the other hand, those who suppress the truth of God’s existence are without excuse. For the invisible God has revealed His existence and power through His visible creation (Romans 1:18-23). 
 It appears that there are two opposing drives in each person. One is a thirst for God (John 6:35). The other is the drive for humanautonomy (Romans 3:10-12). 

If a person seeks God with all his heart, he will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). But if he chooses to continually reject the Creator, there is no amount of evidence that will change his mind, unless he chooses to sincerely consider the evidence. All that the Christian apologist can do is provide evidence for the existence of the God of the Bible and to refute arguments for atheism. Once a strong case for Christian Theism is made, the atheist must still choose to accept or reject the evidence. The inward persuasion of the Holy Spirit on the heart of the nonbeliever is necessary, but, in the end, the atheist must choose to follow that persuasion. 

The ultimate problem is not one of the intellect; it is a moral problem of the will. When all is said and done, one must choose God.

Article taken from http://www.philfernandes.org/thefailureofatheism.htm by Dr. Phil Fernandes


  1. I am currently listening to your YouTube video http://youtu.be/_SsKOEx_cK0
    and decided to take you up on your invitation.

    The first thing I have heartburn over is the title of this article starts out with a claim that there is a problem with Atheists. That makes me feel like I am an outsider who should not be trusted at all. It feels like this article is directed at religious people and it is a warning that Atheists are evil in one way or another.

    You sent out an invitation to us Atheists and now that I am here in response to your invitation, I feel that you have motives other than a friendly discussion.

    I will continue so that maybe you will see that even though I am not perfect, I am worthy of your trust.

  2. Now I would like to offer an honest perspective of Atheists. Whether you know it or not, there are many types of Atheists around and I will talk about three here in hopes that you can see that Atheists are as diverse as Christian Denominations are (if not more).

    I like to call myself a strong Atheist. I define "strong Atheist" as someone who is not afraid to be ridiculed or hated by religious people.

    The second type I would like to talk about does not like to confront religious people about their atheism.

    The third type I would like to talk about does not give religion a thought at all. Religion does not make it on their list of important things. Not even on their list of not-so-important things. Imagine yourself thinking about the Greek god Apollo. You just don't think about him. That's how this third type of Atheist I am talking about feels about your most precious beliefs.

    Now, I would like to talk about what I like and what I do not like. I have spent at least 30 years (I'm 46 right now)reading about scientific discoveries that make a difference in my life. I get a joy (I don't know this next phrase for sure), like you might do when you are communing in Church, reading about new things learned by scientists. I am a lay person who thoroughly enjoys seeing scientists make headway in solving problems with human health, the environment, cosmology, history, paleontology, electronics, physics, biology, etc.

    Now I would like to talk about what I do not like. I do not like the state of the economy. I do not like it when Politicians lie just to get our votes. I do not like people who try to persuade me with lies and manipulation instead of honest discussion.

    Well, I could go on and on answering the questions in your YouTube video, but I decided you cannot have a nice discussion with someone without understanding something about the person you are having a discussion with.

    I hope to hear from you,
    Cane Kostovski AKA TrekJunky AKA ATheistTech


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