IF315's Book Recommendations:

IF315's Book Recommendations

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Origin of first life

Evolution teaches spontaneous generation—that life came from non-life without intelligent intervention.  However, spontaneous generation violates the law of biogenesis and the cell theory.  The law of biogenesis states that “all living things arise only from other living things.”  The cell theory defines the cell as the most basic unit of life, and declares that “new cells arise only from pre-existing cells.” Both the law of biogenesis and the cell theory are accepted by evolutionists; the evolutionists merely assume that first life is the exception to these principles.  But, a model that violates scientific theories and laws should be abandoned.  This is especially true when there is a rival model that does not violate scientific theories and laws.
   The creation model posits the existence of an intelligent Being in order to bridge the gap from non-life to life.  The creation model recognizes that the specified complexity (highly complex information) found in a single-celled animal could not be produced by chance.  Even Richard Dawkins himself believes that a single-celled animal contains enough genetic information to fill one-thousand complete sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica.  Just as an explosion in a print shop cannot randomly produce even one volume of an encyclopedia (not to mention one-thousand complete sets), there is no way that a single-celled animal could have been produced by mere chance.  Intelligent intervention was needed.

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