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Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Intolerant Science Guy: Bill Nye

Bill Nye the Intolerant Science Guy: "Your Kids" Need to "Believe in" Evolution

Bill Nye on Creationism

The scapegoating begins when Nye says, "When you have a portion of the population that doesn't believe in it [evolution], that holds everybody back." He says that those who "deny evolution" have a worldview that "becomes crazy."
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1 comment:

  1. One hardly knows what to say. Well, maybe not. Just a few comments on the indocile Mr. Nye.

    Denial of evolution is NOT "unique" to the United States. After starting off with such a ridiculous, preposterous and bizarre statement, it should unquestionably cause "any" discerning thinker to view his additional observations as more than suspect. Let's review just a few of them, to try to inject some reality into this lecture on "All Things Nye."

    People don't move to the U.S. because we have a "general understanding" of science, despite what Mr. Nye would have us believe. They move here for a myriad of other reasons, most notably freedom and a chance for a much better "overall" life. If Nye is speaking of educational opportunity - which a good guess would say that's what he actually meant to articulate - then it's just one of these myriad of reasons. So I'll give him at least that much credit. But to limit it to simply an understanding of science, just shines an extremely bright light on his misunderstanding of what a third-grader knows to be the actual truth. My Lord!

    How does not believing in evolution "hold everyone back," as he puts it? Another incredibly generalized statement made as if it was somehow a fact and all-authoritative.

    A person's world becomes "fantastically complicated" in he/she doesn't believe in evolution? Ask the nearest homeless or starving person if their life situation would be vastly improved and less complicated if only they believed in evolution. How childish and infantile.

    We won't - as a nation - have any engineers if they don't all believe in evolution? Really? So Mr. Nye is the commanding, comprehensive, all-knowing pollster who has interviewed every engineer in the U.S. to determine if they are evolutionists? Oh, I get it, if one doesn't believe in evolution then it is utterly impossible for them to be an engineer. Such a childish statement takes one's breath away, doesn't it?

    Nye's comments are so narrow-minded, generalized, pedestrian, dull-witted, unintelligent and self-serving as to make me disbelieve that he is an educated man, to any degree, science or otherwise. Yet he sits there and delivers this puerile invective as if he was the messenger of all knowledge.

    Other than this, I'm just speechless. Yeah, right. Smile.


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